If He be Mr.Hdye

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"Kidnapped? What do you mean kidnapped?" Kunikida slammed his hands on the desk.

"Yes, the mafia captured him. I couldn't stop them. I'm sorry." Kenji answered with a somewhat calm tone.

Visible veins popped on Kunikida's head, hinting anger.

"That kid's been kidnapped enough times already. Why must he always get kidnapped?" Kunikida dropped back to his chair, massaging between his eyes to relieve the headache.

"Gee, I dunno. Maybe the kid's got a thing for kidnapping." Ranpo joked. Only Yosano laughed.

Tanizaki joined in the chat, "Anyways, what are we gonna do now?"

Dazai, who was silent until now, brought his hands together with a grin on his face. "Obviously, we'll just have to get him back."

"Before its too late?" Ranpo added, smiling while looking at Dazai as if talking to him in telepathy. The two seemed as if they were plotting something all along. How they're doing it will remain a mystery.

"Yes," The grin on Dazai's face widened, "Before it's too late."


"You awake, brat?"

Atsushi tried to open his eyes. His vision was still blurry. He felt like his brain was all scrambled up and he needed to put them back together like a puzzle. After about three seconds, he snapped out of his daze and found himself inside a human-sized cage.

"The mafia?" The boy muttered to himself as he turned to look at his kidnapper and surroundings. They were not inside a building. The more Atsushi paid attention, the more he was asured that they're inside the woods somewhere near the abandoned slums. The place was dark, the leaves from the trees not letting the any sunlight in.

"It seems that you are unharmed. Good." Chuuya fixed the hat on his red hair. "Time to move on to the next step."

"Why are you guys still doing this? I thought the thing with the guild is over!" Atsushi growled.

Chuuya looked away, complaining, "That's what I thought too."

"Then why--?"

A boy Atsushi made his entrance. He looked about Atsushi's age, maybe older, with pitch black hair and dark-colored clothes covering most of his skin.

"Ah, finally you came, slowpoke. Hurry up and finish your job." Chuuya walked away from Atsushi's cage and tossed the key to the boy.

"Yes, sir." he said as the key landed on his hands.

Atsushi watched the boy walk closer to the cage and unlocked the door. As soon as Atsushi saw the slightest opening, he wasted no time to rush over for the door. Sadly, Chuuya arrived in front of him in no time and kicked him back in there.

"Play funny games and I'll make you play my game, brat." he threatened. "And whatever you do, it's just going to be game over for you."

Atsushi flung back into the cage, his back hitting he cold hard bars. He curled up in pain, hissing as his eyes looked up and met the boy's.

"You don't have to be so tense." he said calmly. His yellow eyes never phased by the tiger's glare.

Atsushi only growled lowly at him. He sighed softly. He raised an arm carefully, reaching out towards Atsushi's head. The man-tiger tried to jerk away, afraid of whatever might happen to him.

"It's okay. Just relax." he said again in the same tone. His expression has not changed at all.

"Don't touch me!" Atsushi tried to look fierce only to make him look more like a terrified cat trying to act tough.

The boy gave Chuuya a confused look, as if asking for suggestion or help. Chuuya only shrugged and proceeded to complain about his time wasted on waiting.

"I guess it was rude of me to do this for we do not know each other." The boy turned his head back to Atsushi.

"Oh, really? And kidnapping me isn't rude to you?" The words slipped out of Atsushi's mouth. Atsushi flinched when the redhead proved his impatience with bone-cracking noises. He decided to be wiser with using his tongue.

The black-haired boy ignored them. "My name is Louis. I'm new here."

Atsushi just continued to glare at him. He didn't feel the need to introduce himself anyway. Everyone is the mafia should've known him by now. Nakajima Atsushi, the man-tiger.

Louis sighed again, looking at how unfriendly his captive's reactions are. Not that it mattered, though.

"Say, Atsushi-kun. Do you know? I have an ability." Louis started a new topic.

"Yea, yea, let's not waste our time here. Just do your job, will you?" Chuuya rolled his eyes.

"Already on it, sir." Louis simply replied. Chuuya tilted his head, wondering when did the boy activate his ability.

Upon hearing that, Atsushi realized he could no longer escape Louis' gaze. He tried looking away, but it just didn't work. As if hypnotized, he noticed everything started to fade into a pair of glowing golden eyes.

Chuuya raised his brows, amazed. "Not bad." He muttered as he walked away, giving the two some time.

"Do you know what I can do, Atsushi-kun?" Louis asked calmly.

"N-no..." Atsushi answered with shaky voice, still struggling to look away.

"There are two kinds of people in this world. The good and the bad. There's no in between. When someone is good, they can't be bad. They'd be hypocrites otherwise." Louis started.

Atsushi was still struggling to look away, only to find his own body betray him even more.

"My ability allows me to switch one thing with the opposite. If they're bad, they become good. If they're good," Louis paused to inch closer to Atsushi. His hands reached out to grab on Atsushi's shoulders, sliding from there all the way to his soft cheeks, forcing him to stay put and look at his eyes. "They become bad."

Atsushi's eyes widened. He understood what will happen from that point, but there was nothing he could do. His body was not responding at all and he felt like he just ran a long marathon. His eyelids finally relaxed as he slowly surrendered to the overwhelming feeling rushing over his body. It doesn't take long before Louis let go of him and let him drop onto the ground unconscious.

"You done, rookie?" Chuuya asked.

"Yes, sir. However, I recommend we leave him to rest for a while. My ability does not have an instant effect anyway."

"Tch, stupid time-consuming ability." Chuuya cursed under his breath. "So, for how long should it take exactly?"

Louis looked down at the sleeping boy, "Just a few hours should be enough."

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