First Order

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"Nakajima Atsushi,"


Atsushi stood across the mafia boss' desk in a leaning posture, seemingly disinterested. His gaze kept switching between left and right from time to time with both hands behind his back.

"Don't be so tense. Tell me, how are you feeling right now?" Mori asked with a collected grin.

Atsushi groaned lightly, remembering everyone he's met thus far has been asking him the same questions. Although annoyed, he looked away and still muttered, "Fine."

Mori raised an eyebrow, "Just fine?"

Atsushi couldn't help but bare his fangs in frustration for a while. His grip tighten as he took a breath, then he exhaled in a submissive manner. Mori took this as a good sign.

"Perhaps there are too many people in this room. How about a heart-to-heart conversation between us?" Mori turned towards Chuuya and Lou standing nearby. They quickly understood and dragged Kyouka with them out of the room. The sound of the door closing was replaced with silence, leaving the mood awkward again.

"So, Atsushi-kun. How about pouring your heart out right now?" Mori asked again with the warm smile we all know is made up.

Atsushi sighed, "I'm not sure... But it just felt right."

"Oh?" Mori's face filled with interest.

Atsushi seemed lost of words. The whole time he was looking away out the window. "It... felt like... home?"

Mori thought for a good while. Does Atsushi know he was under the influence of an ability? Is he aware of his change of heart? Will he retaliate against the mafia once he realized the situation?

"Do you understand what's happening to you right now?"

Atsushi quickly turned his head to face the mafia boss, as if he realized something but just couldn't get a grasp of it. He then slowly reached for his head as his golden eyes once again glowed violently. He seemed to be struggling, and Mori deemed this a good result.

"It's fine. You don't have to think about it." Mori stopped Atsushi. A grin formed in silence, "No need to think."

Atsushi slightly squinted his eyes as he painfully stares at space, one hand still gripping tightly hoping to ease the anguish.

"Tiger boy looks like he has a headache." Elise who has been behind Mori's chair the whole time popped her head out and pointed.

"My, what a great deduction you got, my beautiful Elise-chan!" Mori switched to his dotting mode in an instant.

"Fucking pedo..." Atsushi muttered under his breath, which coincidentally was heard by both listeners.

"What was that?" Mori comically paused, secretly half-dumbfounded, which Atsushi responded by looking away in silence. Elise pouted, not wanting to care.

"Anyway," Mori took a piece of paper from a pile on his desk and gestured for Atsushi to take it.

"What is that? A job for me?" Atsushi took a step closer, got the paper and flip it to see the content. A child's drawing scribbled in different colors appeared before his golden eyes. The figure in the center seemed to be a tiger with both front legs up in the air, ready to attack the swarm of stickmen in front of it. What we can assume is supposed to be blood was all around the paper, splattered like strawberry jam. The closer Atsushi looked into it, the more he realize that it was, indeed, strawberry jam.

"Cute isn't it? I told Elise we're picking you up today and she drew that while waiting." Mori let his cheeks melt in his hands.

"Sticky..." Atsushi tried to place the paper back on the desk but the jam stuck it to his fingers. He gave it another shake and it still wouldn't fall off. He then let out a frustrated cry and kept shaking his hand like a cat that stepped on sticky tape.

"I want to go shopping again! And that strawberry cake you gave me was too plain! If you're sorry, buy me a bigger one with more strawberries!" Elise stated her boredom.

"Okay, okay, anything for you, Elise-chan!" Mori ruffled the spoiled girl's hair. "Well then, Atsushi-kun, here is your first mission."

Atsushi stared with anticipation.

"You, Louis-kun, and another will be sent to..."

Atsushi furrowed his eyebrows, fueling his imagination with all the dirty works he could do.

"... buy Elise a new slice of cake!" Mori innocently smiled. Atsushi could have sworn he saw flowers floating around Mori's head.


"What's wrong?"

"No, it's just... I thought... I thought we'd be doing something more dangerous," Atsushi answered awkwardly. "You know, like... mafia stuff...?"

"No, that's an order." Mori sweetly smiled.

It's not like you're ready to be assigned for murder right away.


The agency was quiet. Everyone seemed to be busy with their own share of paperwork and phone calls. Everyone except one.

Dazai was lazing around on the sofa when Kunikida burst in with piles of documents in his arms. It didn't surprise him, however, that Kunikida had to angrily approach him and give him a good smack.

"These documents are due in a few hours! What have you been doing?" he grabbed Dazai by the back collar and tugged.

"But I don't wanna... I'll give them to Atsushi when he comes back later..." Dazai melted back onto the sofa, only to be smacked again.

"Idiot! Don't push him too much, especially with the condition he's in right now! Do your own work, for crying out loud!"

The door bursted open again, this time revealing Ranpo with his usual confident smile eating snacks.

"Hey Dazai, I need to stock up more snacks. Wanna come with me?" His eyes looked sharp at Dazai's. In the second they locked eyes, something sparked in Dazai's head.

Dazai wasted no time and jumped out of the sofa, dodged past Kunikida, and sprinted for the exit with Ranpo. All that while ignoring the poor Kunikida's angry lectures. If someone had paid enough attention, they would have noticed the grins on both Ranpo and Dazai. Could they be looking forward to the snack hunting or is there more to it that only they know?

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