Chapter 8

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Another week living with Hoodz gone by...

Yeah I guess you could say that iv caught feelings for him ...........

Actually that probably would be a understatement!

I hate the way I felt towards him but at the same time I loved the feeling. He always flirts with me and shit. Makes me feel special. He probably doesnt think anything off it cause its such a normal thing too him. Flirting with every single girl. But I dont think he understands what it does too me. Makes me believe that its possible! Like last week we shared a little kiss but then after that he acted as if it never happened! I guess it was nothing to him... but it for sure meant something too me! I know this would never ever happen! I mean what would he see in me? Im just someone he feels sorry for right? A typical teenage girl whos mother abused her for years and now he feels sorry for me so hes letting me stay at his home. *sigh* I just need to throw the way I feel away completely! Throw them in the bin! But its easier said than done. Seeing his beautiful face every day , the way he treats me. Oh who am I? He probably does the same too a thousand other girls. Im not the only one. I just need to get it in my head that hes only being nice ...

It was coming up too 3 pm. Hoodz wasnt home and he took Seven with him too. So I was completely alone. Theyve been gone since morning. So to keep myself busy I vibed to some music. I currently was laying on the sofa in front off a 82'' TV that sat on the wall. I laid there scrolling through Instagram singing along too Sydney Renae..

"I really like what you've done too me , I have no clue what it is you do , but all I know is I be loving you..."

I hummed along to the beat , moving my head with it also.

A few minutes later I was joined by a excited Seven jumping onto the sofa letting me know him and Hoodz was back.

"Helloooo" I cooed , locking my phone giving him my full attention. "Hey , you missed me Seven , you missed me." I said as I gave him kisses. Since I been staying here I not only have got closer wit Hoodz but me and Seven ... we is tight! Foreal. I grew some mad love for this dog.

"You ate today?" Hoodz asked as he walked into the room eating an apple.

I looked at him too see him looking at me as he dropped onto the sofa. "Yeah. I had erm ... oreo bites."

"You hungry? Im hungry." He said as he took another bite into his fruit.  "Oh , I see your friend ... whats her name?"

"Gee?" I said looking down.

"Yeah her wit the gay nigga." He added making me chuckle. Jalyn. You spoke too her right?" He asked looking at me.

"Yeah yeah yeah" I lied. Truth is I havent spoken too her. Im just scared. Like what do I say? Iv completely shut her out. Its been a month and some since we've seen or spoken too eachother. I could only imagine how much she been blowing up my phone and shit. I noticed that she messaged me numerous times on Instagram and Snapchat. I just havent replied . I guess I just really dont know how to go about this situation.

"Goo-" he was interrupted by his phone ringing. He patted around his pockets tryna see where it was at. When he found it he pulled it out and accepted the call. "Yo!" He said wit a big smile on his face.

I think hes high ...

"Yeh yeh." He laughed. "Nobody no- ..."

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