Chapter 32

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Osh💘: Man Can you like .. hurry the fuck up , im sat here waiting on my own , like damn I look fucking weird🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
                                                                              2 minutes

Osh💘: U said that 2 minutes ago.

                                                                               Girl .. I mean it this time.

Osh💘: dere sum fine ass new meat out here 4 you

I rolled my eyes as I read over what Gee just texted me. New meat? Like I wanted any of that.

Me and Jay was just pulling up to Raising Canes , immediately spotting Gee waiting on one of there outside tables.

"Man.." Jalyn laughed out once he realised Gee shaking her head at us , once she spotted the car pulling up in front of her.

We rode in an uber from Jalyns crib. Gee stayed over at some nigga house , so she got here before us. I aint feel like driving the Range Rover , that Hoodz bought me cause it just aint feel right. I havent drove that in the past month , ever since he left out that door after the argument we had. He hasnt been back , I havent seen him or spoke to him. He has blocked me off everything! Iv called him over 1000 times , off my phone , off Gee's , off Jalyns , even off Gee grandparents! The one and only time he picked up , the second he heard my voice .. he hung up. He will not talk to me , and it breaks my heart. For the first 2 weeks I hid myself away from the world , crying myself to sleep every night , starving myself , feeling like the worst person on earth. I couldnt beat myself up anymore knowing how bad I hurt Hoodz , my heart aches everytime I thought about it..

I know this is my fault but maybe if things went down differently , I wouldnt be in this predicament.

I know its not Ava's fault she saw me at an Abortion clinic , its mine for sure , but she knew exactly what she was doing when she called Hoodz up. She didnt have no good intentions when she did that , she just wanted to be messy.

I received so many disrespectful dm's from her on instagram. Calling me out and all that , im guessing Hoodz told her everything from what she was calling me to , but I cant be mad at him when im the one whos hurt him.

But on god , that girl gone get whats coming to her.

She needed to.

It was only last Wednesday when I actually sorted myself out , forced myself to get up and eat , forced myself to actually live.

But damn its been a struggle.

"Thank you." Jalyn told the Uber driver as he handed him money as we quickly hopped out his car.

"Yall took yo god damn times!" Gee 'greeted' us.

"Man I only stepped out to grab some chicken tenders and fries , ion wanna be damn seen." I mumbled to her , as I made my way towards the entrance. I had on some grey nike sweats with an oversized Tee and some white airforce to go with that. My hair was up in a bun and I was completely bare faced.  Rough as fuck , yes , but who I got to impress?

Gee also had on a tracksuit , a velvet one whilst Jalyn looked as if he was hitting the clubs. Lord knows how extra that nigga be...

"Can you erm .. hurry up." Jalyn said , nudging Gee outta his way a little.

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