Chapter 49

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New Chapter!

Soo yeaaa hope this is up a bit earlier :)

Took me nearly two hours to write! I know! :O...and it’s half one in the morning...I’m knackered!

Ahh...but anywaaayss! Here you go! Another chapter...and I’ll like to say Thank you to those of you who comment! :) I love reading them and also thanks to people giving ideas..... thank you very much, you never know, they might possibly be involved in the story at some point ;) :)

Soo yeaa.....sorry if this chapter isn’t much great at the beginning...but I think you’re all gunna either hate/love the ending of this chapter.... or maybe hate me? ;P ehehe.

Oooh....check out pic and song --->

LOVE this fricken song! nothing to do with chapter...not really....but I just love it! ;) acoustic is perfectttt <3

All Time Low <3 amazingggg <3 maybe you think so tooo??? ;) I hardly know anyone who's fans of them!......:O shocking I know!... ;P but seriosuly...if you are a fan...tell me pleeeaseee! :D ;D <3

Sooo ENJOY! :)   Thank you!




I cannot believe that I am sat here watching this! I can’t help but have my fists clenched by my side, and trying to keep a blank expression on my face because otherwise with Noah being in the same place I am....I will lose this bet.

I literally cannot cope with watching this ‘loved up couple’, it is doing my head in, and I can’t just suddenly get up and storm away, because where would I go? Everyone is out here....and that’s one thing I can’t do anyway...

Blinking it feels such an effort to keep them open and not let them slip into a narrow eyed look, like they would do if Noah wasn’t here....

I advert my eyes from them sat across from me who are holding their own conversation, April stupidly giggling occasionally, making me want to puck, and I look to my other brothers, who are laughing over something, I need to distract myself otherwise I will be losing very soon.

Resting my head against Blake’s shoulder, I listen to their laughter about god knows what as I stare into the fire in front of me, fire can surprisingly be very mesmerising....staring at the flames as they flicker up into the sky, staring long enough your eyes play tricks on you and you can start to see outlines in the fire, faces or animals as the colours of the flames mix together almost as if their dancing....

“Helllooo! Anyone in there!”

I snap out of it letting out a small surprised squeak as a hand waves in front of my face and someone shouts loudly in my ear....

“Evan!” I groan disapprovingly but luckily don’t snap at him and force a small smirk onto my face shaking my head at him

Smirking Evan, who’s stood in front of me now looks down at me “Well....didn’t you hear?”

I frown confused at him, looking around to everyone else who’s getting to their feet and I raise an eyebrow questionably “Huh?”

Chuckle amused, I hear his laughter as well as Blake’s, who I’m still leaning on and he’s still sat....

“Come on you sloth...” He chuckles holding out a hand towards me.

I raise an eyebrow as I take his hand getting pulled up from my spot, allowing Blake to aswell “Sloth?” I question my brother “did you seriously just call me a sloth?”

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora