Chapter 52

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Thank you for all the comments/votes on the previous chapter! :D means alot! Thank you very much :D <33

DEDICATED: Killdahaters101 :D because your  message made me smile :) every one does...but I picked yours especially :D thank you <333

It’s a longer one! I think :D.... mainly with just at school...but it shows you what she’s thinking...and they’ll be more Noah next time ;)

Sorry if it’s not that exciting....but it will get there ;).....hope this is okay!

OOhh...leave comments! ;D I’ve got college tomorrow...would love to read them when I get home! :D  

Anywayysss ...ENJOY!



Monday’s are the worst.

Especially when there’s a rainy storm going on outside...and you’re dead tired.

Yup, that thunder that started the other day has developed into a storm, that apparently will last for a few days.

And it’s not a real serious storm, but it’s bad enough, constantly raining with occasionally thunder and lightning at some points......

But then there’s those freak dry patches, of no rain or anything that can last for a bit.....

But today, the weather just adds to my mood.

Not only am I exhausted from little sleep last night, caused by the storm, but also from my over thinking mind not being able to rest, but I’m also in a pretty crappy mood......which is weird considering I just got my first kiss yesterday....

By Noah....

I shake my head frowning as I shove some things into my bag, I’ve been thinking of that all night! I don’t want it to be all day too!

But, knowing my luck that won’t go so well....

“Ooohh! Little brother! You excited for going to school hmm? Is it to do with seeing a certain someone...?” Chris and Evan tease Seth as he hurries to get on his jacket...

Rolling his eyes, he grumbles under his breath to them as they chuckle to themselves getting their own coats on, and I frown sat on the stairs...

Oh...that’s another thing.

I will get to see Seth and April around school, with all this lovey-dovey crap, great. Someone pass the sick bucket.

“Come on Lex! Let’s go! Don’t wanna be late!” Chris calls to me smirking slightly.

I sigh, dragging myself up from the step and picking up my bag swinging it onto my shoulder...

Well this is just gunna be a great da isn’t it.


Getting out the car at the school parking lot I feel my stomach flip, in nerves?...I’m not really sure...but whatever it feels a knew feeling...

Squinting my eyes through the falling rain, only having my coat hood up that’s protecting me, nothing much else, I notice not many people out here waiting, well they wouldn’t any’s raining..

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now