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It's been 4 days since the incident of Dalgom happened, he is now fine and Momo offer to look for Dalgom in her Mansion so theirs servant can take care of Dalgom while Jisoo and Lisa is at work.

Taehyung got admitted to the hospital but after a day he got discharge, his father was very mad telling Taehyung that he deserved the beating for saying that to Jisoo.

Taehyung defend himself saying that he just said that to tease Lisa cause she's being nosy to what happened to Dalgom, but Taehyung is furious but really scared of Lisa, no one can know about his drug trafficking back then, he quit already, so he told himself to stay away from Lisa and Jisoo for a while.

It's been four days as well since Lisa is receiving a death threat, she told that to her friends and Seulgi is working on it but sadly the numer that was using was prepaid and not registered, Lisa didn't told her parents specially Jisoo about it, she doesn't want Jisoo to worry and she knows she can take care of herself, she's confused as well. She's pretty sure it wasn't Taehyung, that guy is now scared of her after the fight he behave himself.

As for Lisa patient Bae Suzy, she was transfer in her room two days ago, that one is hella brat, when she was transfer she's not talking at all, she's fine now but hearing that she can't race for a long period of time she just cry and she never talks after that.

At first other doctors thought that she's suffering from a trauma, its hard to accept that she can't race, they're pushing it to Lisa to check more and do some test on Suzy but Lisa knows she's not in trauma, being Lisa and she got annoyed from all the doctors who is basically just want to have a good impression to the Prime Minister. Lisa did something to make Suzy talk, when all the doctors gathered in Suzy's room for check up of course the Prime Minister and his wife was present, Lisa inject Suzy some medicine using large needles that is somehow painful, then Lisa press it harshly that make Suzy cursed "That is mother fucking painful you asshole" that's her word to Lisa, Lisa just smirked "Thank you very much" Lisa said. Finally you just help me proving them that you don't have trauma shit" The doctors got embarrassed hearing Lisa..

The Prime Minister was amused by Lisa, for him and to her wife Lisa is the type of doctor that does not care about your opinion at all, she knows what's she's doing and she knows she's right. She doesn't really care if you're a Prime Minister or what, she just talk to Suzy's dad about her health none other that than, not like the other doctors who really have huge conversation to the Prime Minister to get his attentionm

The Prime Minister, gave Lisa a car as a thank you for saving his daughter, but Lisa didn't accept it, she said a thank you will be enough and she's just doing her job. The prime minister insist and told Lisa it's really a good and expensive car but Lisa again being Lisa she to the prime minister was "I'm driving a Lamborghini, I don't need that, but thank you."

The Prime Minister again impressed by Lisa's action she is one of a kind.


"So Lisa what's up? You're the talk of the hospital again, after rejecting the gift of a prime minister, it's a freaking Ferrari dude, Jungkook said"

"I don't need that, Lisa said and fixed her things. I need to check Bae SuJi before I go"

"Okay, take care Lisa!"

Suzy's Room

"Hello, I'm gonna check you up. Suzy's private nurse help her sit then Lisa check her.

"For how long I'm gonna stay here?"

"Two more weeks or Three, Lisa said plainly"

"That long? You said I'm stable, why can't I go home?" Suzy said with annoyance in her voice.

"I said stable, not healed. But I can send you home if you want to die the next few days"

Suzy gave Lisa a death glared "Do you know who you talking to?"

"Uh-huh. Bae SuJi"

"I can make your doctor career end, I can make your life living hell"

Lisa looked at Suzy "Oh... I'm scared" Lisa said mockingly

"Who do you think you are?!"

"Lalisa Manoban, the one who save your life. Okay, you're all good, make sure you just rest That's the only thing you can do for now, go watch some movies, read books scroll your IG, Twitter or you listen to some music to kill your boredom"

"You're really cocky, do you know that?" Suzy said"

Lisa sighs. "Cause you're acting a bitch to me, so being cocky is my counter flow go rest now, I'll take my leave."

Lisa told the nurse her duties before she left, then Suzy.

"Hey, Doctor Manoban, you're very beautiful" then she covered her face with her blanket.

Jisoo's Place

"I'm home" Lisa walks toward to Jisoo who's busy playing games.

"Hello beautiful, I bought chocolates" She kissed Jisoo's cheek. "I'll rest for a while and cook okay? Lisa hugged Jisoo and buried her face to Jisoo's back.

"You're tired, let's just order."Jisoo stop playing and hug Lisa back.

"No, I'll cook for you, just kiss me so I can have more energy"

Jisoo smiled and brush Lisa's hair, and press her lip to Lisa"

"Mmm, Lisa moan between kisses thats a cue for Jisoo to stop it"

"I have a period, don't seduce me."

Lisa pout and give Jisoo again a peck "I'll change and cook, go play"

Jisoo and Lisa talk about their wedding while eating, Lisa said that her parents will be in Korea next week so they can look for the venue and everything a designer in England will visit them in Korea as well for Jisoo's wedding gown and Lisa's suitm

Jisoo was very excited, its really happening. She's going to marry the person she love the most.

Also Jisoo set a rule for Lisa, NO sex until the wedding, Lisa pouted hearing that but she agree to Jisoo..

The night came they decided to cuddle first when someone again texted Lisa.

"A bang and your gone"

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