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I make my way downstairs to the breakfast table. My parents greet me as soon as I'm seated. We begin eating until the marriage topic is brought up, again.

Father sighs, "Son, you are getting older. Your almost king. So for right now, finding you a wife would be ideal." I nod, "Understood. I have a suggestion though, I'm not sure if you're going to like it, but here goes. Why don't we have a royal selection? So girls from the lower class right to the girls from the upper class should attend."

Father pauses for a while before glancing at my mother, "Fine. I have one condition. If this does not work out, we will have an arranged marriage. Deal?"

I frown, "Deal. Mother, what is your view on this matter?" Mother looks stunned but quickly composes herself, "Well, just a piece of advice. Do not play games with their hearts, Maxwell. Be a hundred percent sure before you do anything. Alright? Oh and I promise you, I will probably kill you if I found about you having intimacy before wedlock. Lastly, after distributing your invites to this selection, keep in mind that you cannot take more than twenty girls."

I nod, "Understood." Father looks slightly amused, "So it's settled then? I suggest we get right to it."


I sit beside Ross underneath the tree. I frown, "You know, one day when we get married, where would we live? I mean you're not even allowed to be here and I'm not allowed to be where you are."

Ross shakes his head before placing a hand on mine, "Hey, we'll figure it out. We always do." I sigh and nod, "The classes will never break us apart. I mean in all honesty, this is stupid. Why rank someone because of their circumstances?"

I nod, "I know." He stares at me before planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. I smile as I intertwine our fingers. After a few moments longer he sighs, "I need to go." I nod, "I understand. Be safe, alright?"

He smirks, "When am I not?" I roll my eyes and laugh, "You have your moments." He laughs, "Don't we all?" I smile, "True."

As soon as I enter my house I immediately go and help my mother with dinner in the kitchen. She smiles sympathetically at me, "You really don't need to help me dear, you do enough for me."

I shake my head, "No, I want to help you. I need and want to make life as simple as possible for you. I mean after all-" She cuts me off, "Ava-Lane, you have nothing to prove to me. I know how worthy you are and I never underestimate you one bit. I love you, always remember that."

She engulfs me in a hug as I nod, "I love you too, mother." I feel another pair of arms around my waist. I smile as I turn around, "Katrina-Paige!" She smiles, "Ava-Lane!"

I smile, "Did you miss me?" She rolls her eyes, "We were together all day. You just stepped out for a while to meet with Ross. Which isn't exactly unusual."

I smirk, "Very opinated, aren't we?" She shrugs, "Runs in the family." I laugh, "True."

Soon my father enters. Kate and I immediately run and engulf him in a hug.

He laughs, "Why hello there!"



We sent the guards to personally place an invite in every eighteen year old female of recommendation. Fortunately, Rustenwood is a small town.


-Next Day-

As soon as father came home I notice that he was in a good mood. I smile," May I have the pleasure of hearing this good news?"

Father chuckles, "Yes, indeed. Family meeting." We all sit around the dinner table. Father smiles, "Well, today I saw a poster outside my window. It said that Prince Maxwell is looking for a wife! It gets getter! His wife needs to be eighteen years old. Lastly, I found this!"

Mother and Kate immediately gasp as Father hands me the letter, all eyes immediately fall on me. I laugh, "Absolutely not." They all frown. Katrina blinks, "You're not even going to open the letter?" Father sighs, "Listen pumpkin, this decision is up to you. We're not forcing you to do anything."


Ross and I decide to meet by the market. The market is the only place where lower and middle class are able to converse with each other publicly.

With the classes, you get ranked according to your circumstances or family status. So the worst you can get is the lower class, which is the category where my family falls into.

Middle class, is where Ross falls into. Then lastly, the royals and their friends fall in the upper class category.

I frown, "What am I going to do? I mean if I go, not only will I be leaving you behind I leave our future behind as well. If I stay then my family will not be able to function financially. I know for a fact, agreeing to go would mean I could send a paycheck home to me family."

He sighs, "Ava, I cannot make up your mind for you. This one you'll need to decide."

I slowly pull out the invitation and hand it to him as I cannot stand to read it for the third time today.

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