Alpha Street

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The snow feels magical to me. This is the first time I have ever seen it. Drell has sand and heat. Karm is landed with grass and snow. I watch as the icy masterpieces settle on my clothes and riffle as I lay on the cold concrete. It is an early morning. We have just received a confirmation that Karmian forces advanced and opened fire. Karmian fighting vehicles are faster but also smaller and less stable. They have to use twice the number to take down one Drellian Battleship. We still use men to control them, though. So whenever battleship explodes it means casualties for Drell. Karmian fighting vehicles are lifeless machines controlled remotely.

The main battle is between infantry both in robotic high-tech suits and without the heavy ammunition. The soldiers not equipped with the suits are covered by high-tech infantry and fighting vehicles. The drones cover the flanks and support the advance. Karmian drones are larger than Drellian. They are heavier and not that quick. It is mainly because of more advanced weaponry they use. Drellian task is not to let them tear a hole in the defenses. Their weight does not allow a lot of room for maneuvering, but is of a great advantage once the drones pass the defense. They can do as much damage as the large two-pound T60 bomb, destroy half the block by one round.

Both forces highly depend on communication and electronics, without it there will be only infantry left. There will be no drones protecting the air, no vehicles protecting the ground and no alignment of forces between each other. It will be chaos, a bloody chaos.

I examine the crossing of the Delphie and Alpha Streets through the laser sight of my riffle. 'No movement, quiet.'

The words come hoarse and hushed as if I were hiding from someone. My hands start freezing and I have to warm them up from time to time.

It is still cold, and the stiff wind assaults the roof, making it hard to stay still with my riffle. I use the blanket Rhea gave me and at least have some protection from the icy concrete under my body. It is a strange thing – the blanket is very thin but it is warmer than anything I own. It must be something engineered specifically for Karmian winter. I should send it to the intelligence. But I can't bring myself to do it for two reasons. First – I am freezing and the idea of willingly leaving the only thing that kept me warm in this place is terrifying enough. Second – deep down I know Rhea shouldn't have provided it since I could use it against her. She did it anyway. So yes, it feels like betrayal of the Karmian trust.

Holt covers the buildings opposite from where I am. Nyx the buildings to the right, Tom - to the left. Half of P20 division hid in the house to my left, in my direct visibility range. The battleships are in the open, two vehicles per each street. Heston chose the Delphie Street and is picking out of his battleship from time to time. Foolish and childish. Each time I see his head popping out the window I want to shoot him myself.

I hear Tom through the mic, 'Movement in one of the buildings.'

I search the area and then spot her. Rhea lazily walks out of the building on Alpha street right next to the crossing. Her hands raised high. She is holding her G390 in her right hand using only three fingers. Her pinky and ring finger also raised.

Black beanie, black short coat with matching pants, hair in a tight braid.

Drellian. Rhea looks like Drellian.

She slowly reaches the crossing, grinning wickedly. The same Rhea I saw on the picture during one of the Council meetings a long time ago, fierce, spiteful, unpredictable and absolutely mad.

I follow her through the sight of my riffle breathing heavily. My heart beating loud in my ears silencing even the furious wind. Suddenly I am nervous and my hands start to sweat. She comes closer and stops fifteen feet from Heston's battleship. He opens the door and walks out, arrogant as ever.

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