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I imagine the book bedroom when I fall asleep, recalling the sound of the sea and the wind, the scent of wood and paper, the pale moonlight pouring unabashed through the feathery see-through curtains. My night is bearable this time.

The next day I refrain from alcohol. I even get some sleep, not much, however. Nevertheless, I remain sober. I think about Evans's offer all day, weighing the options. My friends and family are here. But the prospect of change excites me. The strange desire to leave everything behind only reminds me of what I crave more. I didn't get to know her. And I wish to get some taste of her life, her thoughts, where she was raised, what was her life in Karm. She is not there, but I am, and I want to know. Evans does not give me hope but can offer a purpose, which is enough for now.

It feels odd to be on my own, without being a major, the leader of A9, without my friends, or Heston's judgment. Abandoning everything for something obscure is a lip of faith. Surprisingly, absolving. As if I am not indebted to anyone for my actions or being myself. My decision remains unchanged, and I do not think much about it for the rest of the week. I am back to eating rather than drinking and begin training again. My body gets back to normal unwillingly, but by Saturday, I am almost flying from the upcoming shift in my life.

On Sunday, Evans calls on the communicator Rhea gave me. It startles me when it vibrates inside my nightstand. It is hard to get used to the fact that it is not her on the line.

'So?' he says without any preamble.

'I already told you. Yes, I will do it.'

'Good, you will be authorized to enter Karmian territory by tomorrow. Use whatever transport you want. You need to fly to Stolnter. I will send you the address to this communicator. Let me know the time of arrival.'

He hangs up without waiting for my reply.

The next day I receive confirmation about my assignment. Unsure, if I will be allowed to travel, I still leave without saying 'goodbye'. It does not matter if anyone agrees with my decision. I stand in the middle of the room wearing jeans and a grey shirt, my packed bag by the door.

After wintering in Karm, I seriously consider taking my coat with me but think better of it. It is spring now. Maybe my jacket will do. There is no regret when I walk out of the house. Only hope for the future. Shutting the door, I look at the sky, hanging low above me. The air is hot, and I feel ridiculous, caring the jacket. Like soldiers, the ice-colored houses line up and gaze at me with their dark windows. I smile at them.

'Carry on,' I say aloud.

I opt for a regular air-jet and enter the location. I have to scan my finger to be authorized and proceed. It seems like one Drellian will reach Stolnter, after all. I am already in a better mood than I was this past year.

The coordinates Evans gave me lead to the helideck on the roof. The building is a tall, prominent from afar. I have never been to Stolnter before. The Karmian capital makes a very peculiar impression. The city is grey, with tall buildings rising high above the ground. Some of those, made of red bricks, look like colorful dots from above. The city is abundant, with smaller establishments stretching further to the horizon. I see people and vehicles on the streets, carrying on with their day, carts with food and drinks, and lights inside the buildings. I can pry through the large windows on Karmians in their natural habitat. I have never been to the Karmian city with its occupants in it. They had already abandoned the settlements when we entered. I wonder how less I know about this nation.

The spring spreads cheerfulness and joy into the air. The wind is still ice-cold but not stiff anymore and brings the smell of grass with it. Stolnter is deficient in any greenery and seems more Drellian than Moneree. But the freshness of the spring makes it feel promising and exciting to me.

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