2| Falling in love

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I know he's getting married, moving on in his life, and at this time calling him here would be so wrong.

But I can't help it . Not when my Child is in life and death situation.

If as mother I have to be selfish I will be.

My son is in OT , and he needs his father.  And for my Kairav, I will face him.

I will face my past from which I have been running away since past 5 years.

Though I always knew keeping Kairav and Karthik away is very big blunder, I always hesitated contacting him, because of his hurtful words.

But How much ever one tries to escape from their past , circumstances compel them to face it.

I don't know how he'll react when he knows about our baby's existence 

Maybe he'll hate me for keeping him in dark all these years, but I'm ready to take all his insults and hate because right now it's not about us but our child.



I ran and hugged her tightly as soon as I saw her in waiting room. She looked as beautiful as before if not better.

K: Naira , I knew you would come back to me , I knew my Naira would come back to me...

I kept repeating myself , relieved to have her again in my arms. I had probably gone insane with happiness .

"Karthik" she distances herself from me, she looked at my sherwani and I could see she was hurt. Crap!

K: Naira this...

I struggled to form coherent words... How would I explain this to her.

"I have something important to tell you."

That was it. Curt to the point. No miss you , love you nothing. Didn't even let me complete .

I don't know why was she behaving so coldly today.

Neither was she showing any signs of happiness at our reunion nor was she answering my questions.

K: "What's wrong?"

N: " Karthik, I want you to patiently listen to what I'm saying ,I know you'll have alot to say but let just get over it.
That day when you Questioned me..."

K: Naira....

I cut her in there, I didn't even wish to remember that night

N: "I was 3 weeks pregnant."

K: "What?"

I stumbled hearing revelation, it was too much handle altogether , first naira was back and alive after being MIA for last 5 years and now she's telling me she was pregnant. Wth!!!

N: "Yes, I was pregnant, I came to tell you but... Let it be... Now the reason I have contacted you after so much time is because my child needs you. He's suffering from heart disease Nd is supposed to go through a major surgery today.

I want you to help me, We are not getting blood donors neither is it available in blood bank , you're now my only hope. Please! Your blood group matches with his. Pls donate your blood. Please! We don't much time . Please!"

She finished shedding tears. Folding her hands in request.

I was literally at loss of words. She  broke such an important news just like that.

Should I be happy, sad or angry rn ?

I have a child?

Everything felt so surreal rn.

"Kairav 's parents? Did you find the donor. He's ready for operation, we can't delay it further" A nurse approached us

Kairav, so he is a boy.

"Yes. He's kairav's father. He'll donate the blood." I heard naira answering .

Father? I am a father? I'm still unable to grasp the fact.

I was still in trance when Nurse obtained my blood and left to summon doctors.

Naira helped to operation theatre's waiting room afterwards, and then I saw a lil boy from the mirror.

That was kairav, my son

Son , who I didn't even knew existed couple of minutes ago

Seeing him lying so lifelessly there, with numerous needles attached to his petite form,it hurt, it hurt so badly

All confusion and anger towards Naira, Relatives back home, the bride I left unattended, Everything was  forgotten the moment I saw him

Right now I was just relishing this beautiful feeling, feeling of falling in love.

I fell in love with my son the moment I laid my eyes on him

There's no way I'll leave him even for a second after this.

Kairav, what a beautiful name.

It's 2:00 AM , and I'm very sleepy.


So no proofread or editing

Kindly vote and drop in comments.

Thank you


Good night

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