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Professor Pigeon smiled happily when he returned home. His home was spacious, big windows, roaring fire. He never married so he was in this house all alone. Yes, it got lonely. But admittedly he did have a servant. This place needed someone in it to look after it when he was at work.

When the lights went off in the sitting room he frowned and looked towards the fire. It was the only source of light. Thinking there was a power cut he stood up and looked out of the window. The rest of the street was alight. Frowning and looking down he looked at a woman who waved up at him. She looked oddly happy. What was there to be so happy over?

Exclaiming out for his servant, he stopped when he felt his muscles tense up. "Something you drunk, or afraid of the dark?" A voice said from behind him. His eyes focussed on a man who appeared slowly by his side. "I'll take that. Can't have you smashing glass around can we?" There was a smirk, but not a visible one thanks to the sack mask. "Please bear with me for a moment," the man turned and walked away. There was the sound of the door opening and closing again. "You have done well for yourself, Professor." The man looked around. "It's a bit of a big abode though is it not? Especially considering it's only you here." Blue eyes frowned from the eye holes of the mask. "What are you doing?"

"Warming myself, it's cold out there! You try clambering around cutting the lights and that...it's tiring. The weather is just a downside."

"But yes, you've done well since the last time we talked. You do remember the last time do you not?" The man frowned. "It's me, Professor. Jonathan Crane, you know, the prized student in your psychology class, then former colleague?" Jonathan reached up and pulled the mask off, Pigeon's eyes widened as he looked at him. "You do remember me. How could you not? You did after all, and perhaps excuse the pun, take me under your wing. You were a good mentor. You saw in me, what people couldn't or wouldn't." Jonathan paused. "That's Willow."

Willow turned away from the fire and smiled. "Hello."

"She's like you, in the sense of she sees in me what other people can't." Jonathan said slowly while helping the elder man to sit. "It's nice to see you here in Gotham, again. Have you missed it?" Pigeon opened his mouth to talk, "Oh, oops. Sorry, hold on a moment." Jonathan rummaged in his pockets and pulled out a syringe and a little container. Sticking the needle tip into the container he got some of the liquid into the syringe. "This'll scratch." Jonathan said while sticking the syringe into Pigeon's neck.

"W-what? Jonathan? Why?"

"You're afraid. Fear, fear is interesting is it not? I learned the feeling well when I was younger." Jonathan shrugged and took to tying the Professor to his chair.

"Grandmother Crane, urgh...the psycho."

Jonathan shot Willow a look. "You're right." Jonathan looked at Pigeon. "I suppose some could say in that regard that I became the person I am today because of that woman. My grandmother was a cruel woman, and sadistic. She had such a way with words as well."

"Bullying dear, it's called being a bully."

"Quite right." Jonathan paused. "You see from the time you met me, till now, a lot has happened."

"Jobs, asylums, death."

"Hm, let's start with the first on the list." Jonathan sat down, Willow shuffled away from the fire and sat next to him. "You were a good mentor. I honestly do hold a grudge against you though for when they fired me."

"Is this from the university?" Willow questioned.

"It was before that."

"You had another job before that?"

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