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Sitting in a room, in the ominous grey black tower, Willow looked around confused. She was less than five minutes ago fighting. It was the first real fight she had got into since being here. Today was day five. There was still no word of Batman being here, she checked in with Harvey every so often. And there was still no word of this place getting closed down, she managed to eavesdrop on some guard signals thanks to people having radios in this place.

The one thing she did hear which was interesting was that Bruce was in here. It was confusing to say the least, she didn't understand. She had tried to find him, and failed.

Willow shut her eyes and leaned her head against the cool metal table. She fidgeted her hands, the metal cuffs around them were rubbing and hurting. She already had bruises from the last pair she had on.

Hearing a door open she didn't even bother to look up. Things were placed down on the table and a chair moved, material sounds signalled to her someone had sat down. "Miss Butler." Willow winced and looked up. She didn't like Strange. Everything about him gave off bad vibes. He was generally creepy and freaky to her.


"Do you know why you're here?"

Willow shook her head. "For the fun of it?"

"No," Hugo frowned at her sarcasm, this just made her smile. Although smiling hurt because of her split lip. "You are here because you need to be."


"It is often not safe for someone who suffers from a split personality to be walking idly around a city. You should be having treatment for that, you know."

"And you, think you can treat this? What? By doping me half to hell on lord knows what drugs? By sitting down and talking to me?" Willow frowned. "Is this the part when you ask me, about me?"

"If you wish to talk about yourself, go ahead."

"I'm not a narcissist." Willow smiled. "I hate talking about myself. Why do you think most attempts in the asylum failed?"

"That isn't wholly true though is it?" Hugo smirked. "You talked to one, Kellerman."

"Stephen?" Willow looked hopeful. "Is he here?"


"Oh." Willow looked down at the floor. "That's a shame, I liked him, he was nice. Jonathan hated him, and I mean hated. I'd go as far as despised actually." Willow nodded thoughtfully.

"Ah yes, your relationship with Jonathan Crane, that's an interesting thing isn't it?"

"Is it? I thought people got into friendships and possible relationships all the time." Willow looked at him dumbly.

"That's not what I meant. Apparently to your notes you grew up together."

"Yup. I got diagnosed with Stockholm Syndrome, but ya know...it became apparent that I was screwed way before that kicked in." Willow smiled.

"Miss Butler you're contradicting your words, you're talking about yourself."

"Only because Jonathan was mentioned."

"So do you only like talking about yourself when he's involved?"

"Pretty much. My life is boring. Isn't life in general boring? Then all of a sudden, one person appears. And you may not know this person at all, but they change your life in a small way. Could be for the better or for the worse."

"Which would you say he's changed yours in?"


"Really?" Hugo looked around. "Are you sure? You may want to reassess that. I mean, look where you are." Hugo waved a hand around the room. Willow frowned and went silent. "Not liking the truth that you are here because of him?"

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