Chapter 34 - Missing

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Linnea Lindberg

I crossed my arms in front of my chest waiting for Raphael at the Estelle office's lobby. I looked at my watch and it's been around 20 minutes since I left and I'm starting to get a little bit anxious.

I smiled evily when I saw Raphael walking out from the lift. When he saw me, his expression changed that second. It's not surprising to see him looking at me like that.

I got up from the sofa and walked towards him. He stopped there waiting for me to talk to him.

"You're marrying Logan?" He asked and I nodded.

"Why? Isn't it what you want?" I said coldly.

"What's on your mind huh?"

"Why? You want me to marry you?" I asked and he shut his mouth. I laughed dryly at him and took a step closer to him.

"I thought you don't want to marry a bitch, Raph. If you want to marry me so bad.. just tell me." I said as I caressed his cheek with the back of my hand.

"Deal it with Logan, don't drag Amanda into your crazy ass drama." He hissed coldly and I nodded.

"Amanda just need a little push, I hate girls like her."

"You were like her a year ago." He bluntly said and I looked at him coldly.

"You're acting like a child, Linnea. You're not getting any mature, grow up.." That made my anger rise up, I can't believe he just said that. My heart hurt once again and I took a step backwards. Raphael somehow always finds a way to hurt me. When I was going to turn my body around, Raphael stopped me by holding on to my wrist.

"If you're doing this get me back, it's not working." He looked straight into my eyes.

"You're nothing to me, Raphael. Don't be full of yourself.." I pulled my hand away from him.

"Then you should stay away from Amanda, I like her." That stabbed my heart once again and I found myself nodding.

"I know, that's why you should work harder to get her. I don't want her to be in my way." I said coldly even though I wanted to cry so bad.

"You're the one who should work harder to get Logan's heart. Amanda has nothing to do with Logan's feelings." How can he not know? It's obvious that the both of them like each other. I took another step back and I tripped my own dress making me fall down.

Raphael was going to help me but I put my hand in front of him stopping him from trying to be nice to me. My heart was aching so much that tears fell down from my eyes without me knowing. My guards helped me to get up and I looked at Raphael.

"I guess you're right. I'm just a spoiled princess who thinks that she will always get what she wants. You're right." I wiped my tears and I turned my body around. I walked out from the lobby to get into my car. I told one of my guards that I want to go back to Sweden right away.

I took out my phone and dialed Logan's phone number.

"Hello.. what do you want?"

"I need your help."

Amanda Estelle

"I never thought you're a good cook, Raphael." My grandfather praised him.

"I learnt it from my father, he loves to cook." Raphael said as he cut his fish.

Tonight, my grandfather invited Raphael for dinner and instead of going out to eat.. Raphael wanted to cook for us. My grandfather was thrilled and so was my father. They both like Raphael because they kept inviting him for tea or lunch.

It's been 2 weeks since the scandal, me and Logan rarely talked too. I think he's doing just fine but now looking at Raphael's fish and chips reminds me of Logan. He used to cook me everything that I want and even though Raphael's cook is delicious but I kept comparing it to Logan's.

I miss him so much.

"Mandy!" I jumped and turned to my father.


"Raphael ask if you like it?" I turned to Raphael and smiled.

"Yes, I like it." I said.

"You call her Mandy? Mandy is a really cute.. Can I call you Mandy?" Raphael asked and I immediately shook my head.

"No! Please just call me Amanda." I said and he looked a little bit surprise.

"Okay.. sorry."

"She only lets her father call Mandy." My grandfather said and I turned to him nodding. My grandfather knew that Logan call me Mandy all the time, I guess he just doesn't want to hurt Raphael's feelings.

"Oh.. I see."

"I love your cook, Raphael. You need to cook often." My grandfather joked.

"I would love to. Just tell me what kind of dish do you like and I'll try to make it." Raphael said as he turned to me.

"I love steak." My grandfather said as he took his phone out.

"I like pasta." My father said.

"How about you Mandy?" He asked.

"I like croissant." Did I just say that? Shit!

"Oh.. pastry?"

"Oh God.." My grandfather suddenly said and we all turned to him.

"What's wrong? Is the stock going down again?" My father asked curiously and my grandfather shook his head.

"The Princess of Sweden is missing." My eyes widen and I automaticly turned to Raphael. He froze and he closed his eyes.

"What happen?"

"I think she ran away. She was missing since yesterday." My grandfather added.

"Don't you think.. you should check on her?" I asked and before he could answer. His phone rang and he took it out from his pocket. He answered it right away.

"Okay.. I will." He got up from his seat and I looked at him confuse.

"I.. I have to go. I'm sorry." He said and he just left.

"What's with him?" My father asked.

"Raphael knows the Princess of Sweden. Apparently they.. hate each other."

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