Chapter 63 - 3 Copies

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Amanda Estelle

"Are you sure? I can rent an aparteme-" Logan gestured me to shut my mouth.

"You can stay here." I turned to see Queen Melissa walking to me.

"Your Highness." I bowed to her and she stood beside me.

"It's okay to stay here in the palace besides you two will have your royal engagement soon." She said and I smiled to her.

"Thankyou so much."

"Logan, I would like to talk to Amanda for a bit. Do you mind?" She turned to Logan and he gestured her to take me. Queen Melissa put her hand on my back and led me to the 2nd floor.

"Did you settle your company well?" She asked.

"Yes, Your Highness. It's all settle." I said snd she opened the door. I'm assuming that this room is her study room. She gestured me to come in and she closed the door.

"Amanda, I want to apologize for everything I did in the past. I saw that my son really loves you and decided to accept you as our family." She smiled.

"Thankyou so much, Your Highness. It means a lot to me."

"I have a present for you." She said as she gestured me to come near her. There's 2 medium boxes in front of her and she opened the both of it. My eyes widen to see a beautiful necklace and tiara.

"This necklace was belong to my mother, she told me to give it to my future daughter-in-law and you are the one." She said as she took the necklace out from the box. My eyes were stuck to it because the necklace is so beautiful.

She helped me to put it on and she turned my body to see the mirror. Oh my gosh! It's so beautiful, it made me speechless.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it, Your Highness. Thankyou so much for.. giving me this." I said as I looked at her through the mirror. She took the tiara and put it on me.

"I designed this myself and it's a present from me to you." I turned to her and gave her a hug. She was tensed at first but she hugged me back after that.

"Thankyou so much, it's beautiful." I said and she patted my back. She released the hug and she made me look at the mirror.

"You look absolutely stunning." She said.

"Thankyou so much." I said it again and she nodded. She put it back into the boxes and gave it to me.

"I know you'll be good to my son and I believe in you."

"Thankyou so much, Queen Melissa." I said as I bowed again.

"You may go." She said and I walked out from her study to go to my room. When I opened my room, my eyes widen to see.. the room decorated in rose petals. I turned to see Logan already waiting for me with a bouquet of roses in his hands.

I put down the boxes and walked to him. He looked at me intensely and gave the flower to me.

"Mandy, I know I proposed you when we were in bed but I want to make it right." He said as he slowly kneeled down on one knees. My eyes widen and he took out a small box from his pocket opening it in front of me.

It's a beautiful diamond ring with a blue ruby in the middle.

I looked back at him and he smiled widely at me.

"Amanda Estelle, sometimes I forgot your real name because I kept calling you Mandy." He said and I chuckled.

"I love you so much and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. I can't thank you enough that you left your company just to be with me. I promise that I will give you all the world and all the happiness in the world. I love you and I'm sorry that it took us years to realize that we're meant for each other.. that we're so in love with each other." He took my hand.

"I love you and I don't want anything else but you to be by my side and rule Denmark together. Amanda Estelle, will you marry me?" He asked and I immediately nodded and crashed him with a big hug.

We landed straight on the floor and I kissed him. We sat up and he took my left hand. He put the ring on and I looked at it because it's so so so beautiful.

"I love you, Mandy. I love you with all my heart and I'm ready to have a journey to forever with you." He said as he held the both of my hands.

"I love you too with all of my heart." I said and he hugged me again. He hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around his body.

"Thankyou.. thankyou for everything." He said and I smiled.

"Hey.." I said as I released the hug.

"I know you still feel bad that I left the company." I said as I poked his chest.

"You wanted that, it was your dream."

"I admitted it. It was hard leaving it but I want you more. Even though it's hard for me to let go, but I know I will regret it if I don't."

"We have to make a lot of childrens, babe."


"To continue your company and the throne." He smirked and I chuckled.

"Let's not force our children into that, I want them to make their own choice instead of forcing them." I smacked his arm.

"I want 3 girls." He said and I looked at him disbelief.

"Why not a son?"

"I want three copies of you, I bet they will adore us and I will love them to death." He said and I shook my head.

"I don't care if they're a boy or a girl.. I will love them and besides I want a son.. I bet he will look like you."

"I love you." He said as he crashed his lips to mine.

TRS #1 : PrincezoneWhere stories live. Discover now