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Why you standing over there, acting like you just don't care
We can make our own kind of music
We might come from different worlds, might not be your kind of girl
But I just wanna let go and lose it

THERE WAS a security guard inside, and he eyed us suspiciously when we walked in. I explained to him we were new and we wanted to check the place out. He allowed us with a grunt, tapping on the keyboard of his computer, as if reminding us the place was under surveillance.

The inside was just as humongous as the outside. I strolled through the corridors, Carlos close behind. He seemed to be feeling better as he looked around, now that he has something to distract his sad thoughts.

There were dozens of artifacts, ranging from Cinderella's glass slippers, to the apple that poisoned Snow White, most of them closed inside a glass case. If I was any more interested, I would've been fangirling. But the tall ceiling and glamorous curtains were very intimidating, especially when we were the ones with the plan of stealing the wand.

Speaking of wand...

"Brae!" Carlos called. I turned to him, and suddenly he froze, "Wait. I'm not supposed to call you that, right?"

"I- uh," I blinked at him, "No... I mean, sure." I sighed, "Yeah, just call me Brae. I don't even care anymore."

"Okay, well." He nudged his head towards a sign that was hung near the staircase.

I walked over to him. At the top of the list was the wand of fairy godmother... third floor. I smiled, then turned to Carlos.

"Good job!" I said. I was almost about to give him a friendly punch on the shoulder when I thought better of it. I don't think he would like that, considering his past.

He beamed at me, obviously happy to be useful.

Suddenly, the guard from earlier poked his head around the corner. I didn't know if he was eavesdropping, but I was glad we didn't give our plan away in our short conversation.

"We're closing." He said, "It's getting awfully dark."

It took fewer than five minutes to get back to my dorm. When we knocked, Jay opened the door to let us in.

"You're late." Mal remarked, then she eyed Carlos, "And where were you?"

I took a step in front of him, sensing his unease. "Actually, for your information, Carlos found the wand." I said defensively.

Mal, Evie, and Jay all lit up at the same time.

"Where is it?" Evie asked.

I casually took a seat at my bed and looked up at Carlos. He stared at me, anxious. I raised my eyebrows and gave him a look that said go on, you tell em.

He tugged nervously at his vest. "It's on the third floor of the museum. Probably inside some kind of glass case, like the rest of them." He said, face downcast.

"That's great." Jay said, straightening up, "We can go get it now!"

"No, we can't." Mal said, "There's probably security. They're not gonna let the wand sit there and let someone take it that easily."

"I can fix that." Carlos mumbled.

"Hm?" Mal said.

Carlos looked up at Mal. "I can fix that. I saw their camera and surveillance system. It's not a very new or advanced one. Just a couple CCTVs here and there. I can hack it easily, but you have to give me some time to figure it out." He said, "And I could also disable the barrier for us to take it back."

Mal looked surprised. "How?"

Carlos scratched the back of his neck. "I'm a bit of a computer wiz. I've done it before on the Isle with the stuff I found from the crappy science lab at school, but it only lasted less than a second. But with the tech here, I can probably do more-"

Jay closed in on him. "You found? Or you stole?"

Carlos backed away from him. "Stole, I guess." He confessed.

Jay started laughing. "That's my boy!"

Evie clapped happily. "Carlos, this is great!"

Carlos stared at them, as if he wasn't sure if those kind words were aimed at him.

"It is great." Mal beamed at him, "Looks like you're the one with the plans. Thank god they chose you to come to Auradon, or we'd be screwed."

"Really?" Carlos said, before breaking into a confident grin, "Wow. Thanks."

He looked at me, glowing with the pride of a baby saying it's first words. I gave him a smug smile and two thumbs up.

"Uh, guys." Evie said, eyeing the clock on the wall, "Didn't Fairy Godmother give us a curfew of ten thirty?"

"Oh crap." Jay said, before grabbing his bag and turning to Carlos, "You up for a run back to the boys' dorm?"

Before Carlos could even respond properly, Jay grabbed him by the arm and dragged him outside.

"Goodnight!" Evie shouted as they sped away, Carlos shouting "Slow down!" in the distance. I laughed. It felt good to laugh.

I collapsed backwards on my bed, letting myself sink in the duvet and suddenly feeling very much exhausted of today's events. Both physically, and mentally. But I felt... really happy. I was not used to all these positive emotions. We will steal the wand, and we will head back home.

"Hey Isle Orphan." Mal called.

I lifted myself up by the elbows to get a good look at the purple haired girl. "What?"

"Evie talked some sense into me." She twirled a strand of hair around her finger, "I owe you an apology, for earlier."

Evie, who was unpacking, stopped and smiled at Mal, as if she wasn't expecting her to apologize like this.

I smiled a little. "Don't worry about it." I said, feeling extra nice today.

Mal shrugged, and returned my smile.

"Okay!" Evie cheered, raising both hands up, each holding a bundle of clothes, "I call dibs on showering first. The soap here smells so much better than the ones back at home."

"You should take some with you when we go back." I said.

Mal laughed. "Imagine us showing up at my mom's place with soap instead of the wand."

We all laughed.

"I'm gonna shower." Evie announced.

"Oh and by the way!" I called, before she stepped in. I hesitated a little, then said, "You can call me Brae."

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