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One day we'll all be famous
They'll be knowing what our name is
Driving them fast cars
Swiping them gold cards

"WOW, CARLOS. I have to agree with Brae on this. This is quite the masterpiece." Mal said as she dragged across the screen to see the different angles.

Carlos remained quietly proud.

"Guys." Evie called from her sewing machine that managed to take up the whole desk. She held up a blue piece of clothing. "What do you think of this color?"

"I like it." Mal replied, "Matches the blue you always wear"

We laughed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. We looked at each other.

"Close the laptop." I whispered, before grabbing hold of the door knob.

It was Jay, and Lonnie.

"We thought we'd stop by before we head to round two of practice." Jay said.

"Hey..." Lonnie drifted off when she saw me, but almost immediately turned to the others. I closed the door. "Do you guys know how famous you all are in Auradon right now? My friends can't stop talking about you guys."

Good things I hope.

"I think famous is the wrong word." Mal said bluntly, "More like they're scared and judgmental of us."

Lonnie's face dropped. "Did something happen?"

"Something always happens." Carlos muttered.

I unconsciously nodded along, and everyone fell silent under the spoken truth. The atmosphere suddenly went from yippee to a depressing mood.

Jay broke the silence. "They'll get used to us eventually." He said. I wasn't sure if those words were for us or for himself, and I could tell he didn't know either.

"Yeah." Evie smiled a little.

"Anyways." Jay said, a little louder than usual, "Lonnie, you wanna go?"

She nodded, looking a little sad. But before they left completely, I stopped them.

"Hey, uh, Lonnie?" I called. She turned around, her eyes suspicious. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Maybe later." She said, avoiding my gaze.

"Okay." I said, defeated, "See you around then."

She didn't answer, and it bothered me. I turned back around and saw the whole group staring at me.

"It's my fault." Mal spoke up.

"No." I stopped her, "Lonnie would've known I was Shan Yu's daughter one way or another, even if you didn't tell her."

"But the way I said it was horrible." Mal stood up and approached me, "And you didn't deserve that."


"I'm serious." Mal cut in.

"I did deserve it!" I said, my volume a little louder than I intended.

"Why would you ever think that way?" Carlos said, looking worried.

"Why would you guys even care?" I said, my anger came out as deflating desperation. My whole body sank slightly into the ground.

"Because you're our friend, Brae." Evie said softly.

My eyes fixed on her, as if I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"But what if I can't be your friend?" I asked, "I mean, look at how unstable I am. I don't know how friendships work, and I've done so many horrible, horrible things-"

"You literally just gave me a pep talk fifteen minutes ago to make me feel better." Carlos pointed out, "How is that horrible?"

"Brae." Mal grabbed hold of my hands, and I almost jumped at the touch, "Yes, I know. It's weird, but Evie holds my hands to calm me down and it works." She held them up, as if I could see it's effectiveness. "Brae, I get it. I seriously, seriously get it. It's so hard for me too. Because we're not used to getting or giving love. We grew up differently, but guess what? We also grew up in the same environment, and that's why we should stick together."

Halfway through that speech I felt my cheeks heat up like I was about to... about to cry?

Evie reached over and wrapped her arms over my shoulders and around my back. I stilled in the embrace.

I looked over to Carlos, who stood a few feet away.

"That's a hug." He said.

This is how a hug feels like?

"You should hug back." Carlos said, "It'll make you feel better."

I looked at him like he was being ridiculous. All this was ridiculous. These feelings were too much, too strange for me to handle. But instead of shoving my way out of it, my feet glued to the ground, my arms glued to my sides, like my body was stunned.

Evie let go of me, and looked into my eyes. "It'll all be okay over time, I promise."

"Okay." I paused before awkwardly continuing, "How was Chad by the way?"

Mal laughed knowingly.

Evie broke into a lovesick smile. "He said he'll love me if I do his homework for him."

I raised an eyebrow. "That's how love works?"

"Exactly what I said!" Mal exclaimed, grabbing my arm, "Evie, that guy is using you. I'd rather you date Doug."

"But Chad is a prince!" Evie laughed.

"What did Doug do?" I asked.

"He asked me to be his date to Cotillion." Evie answered, "It's this event that's happening in two weeks in Auradon. Like a ball."

"Wow." I said.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Carlos asked, causing us to laugh.

"Girl talk." Evie said, ruffling his hair.

Carlos shook his head. "Anyways, if we're gonna steal our wand and escape back to the Isle, which also means we're never seeing these people again, I suggest you don't date anyone."

"He has a point." Mal said, "Boyfriends are overrated."

"Not that you've ever had one." Evie teased.

"That's because I don't need one." Mal fired back.

I held my hands up in surrender. "I don't know anything about boyfriends, so don't come running to me for answers."

Another knock came on the other side of the door, and Mal went to open it. Ben, dressed ever so finely in his suit, looked up from his clasped hands and lit up.

"Hey guys." He said, his voice showed relief when spotted the white haired boy, "I've been looking all over for Carlos."

Carlos raised an eyebrow. "What for?"

"Remember when I promised coach I'd train you for tourney?"

Carlos' jaw dropped a little. "Please tell me you're joking. Cause I am not a 'running' person."

"I'll see you tomorrow after school on the field." Ben replied, grinning.

Carlos narrowed his eyes, making a face of disapproval.

I laughed. "Quit acting like a child, Carlos."

"Fine." He said, before nodding at the Prince, "See you then, Ben."

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