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He said, she said over it
You're acting like you're brilliant
But you don't even know
Where I kept the way I've grown
You don't know about the way I love so deeply to my bones
You don't even know me

IN LESS than two days we were told to go back to schoolwork. It didn't feel right- to go back to such a normal routine after what had happened over the weekend. Carlos became self conscious of the purple bruises on his face and I had to reassure him: the fear is only in your head. He smiled and nodded in response, holding his breakfast tray.

It was his own words anyway.

The cut on my face was also drawing a lot of attention as the five of us made our way to our usual table outside the cafeteria, but I didn't let it bother me. It was clear they already knew- the only thing that spread faster than germs on campus was gossip.

"You got a pepperoni pizza?" Evie exclaimed, pointing at Jay's plate accusingly, "No fair, there was only cheese pizza left for me."

Jay grinned back at her, squeezing into his seat at the wooden table.

The five of us began sitting around our table. Evie had convinced me to let her dress me up, therefore I was uncharacteristically in a bright green shirt, and black leather pants with a silver zipper that ran down the side. I had to leave the knife behind- for the first time in my life, because these pants were too tight. She had added ripped gloves and leather stud bracelets to "make the look perfect". I'm not gonna lie: I liked her style, but it was such a drastic change from my usual baggy pants and whatever else I dug out from my closet.

One of the bracelets caught onto the edge of the table and I was jerked backwards. Thank god I didn't drop my tray.

"You good?" Carlos asked as I lowered myself down in the seat next to him.


"Guys, I think they changed my schedule." Mal said, squinting at her phone, "I have math after lunch now."

"Mm!" Evie piped up, mouth full. She took a few seconds to swallow it down. "Mr Pine?"

"Yeah." Mal answered.

"You're in the same class as Jay and I then."

"Thank Merryweather you're not in my class anymore." mocked a voice.

It was none other than Audrey's, a sly look on her face as she 'casually' walked by us. A small group of kids trailed behind her, murmuring their approval and snickering at each other. One of them was a girl with short black hair, dressed from head to toe in a light shade of blue. She looked a tad frightened as Audrey dragged her with her by the wrist.

"I don't even know what you guys are doing here." Audrey continued, speaking fluent sarcasm, "Don't you all have a kingdom to conquer or something? Any wands to steal? Oh wait, you already failed at that. I guess they gotta give you another chance and let you stay." She shrugged, then eyed us.

Mal stood up, fists thumped against the table. "You got a problem?"

The situation was getting heated up real quick.

"Yeah I got a problem." Audrey placed her free hand on her hip, "You're sitting at my table."

"Last time I checked your name wasn't on it." Mal replied, a scowl on her face.

Evie spoke up quietly. "Guys, let's not-"

"Actually." Audrey drowned Evie's plead out, "My name is written all over Auradon. I am Aurora's daughter, aren't I?"

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