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I walked into my first hour classroom with a huge smile on my face. I sat down in my normal seat and pulled my notebook out of my backpack. I went to set it on my desk and jumped in surprise to see Kelsey standing in front of me.

"When did you and Wyatt Chandler become exclusive?" Kelsey asked with her hands on her hips.

"A few weeks ago, why?" I responded. Her stare instantly became cold and her jaw clenched.

"You knew he was mine you little bitch! But he's your brothers best friend, so you just had to go after him!" She hissed through gritted teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry, but I didn't see your name written all over him, or you in his arms at all." I replied sarcastically.

"I'll snatch him from you one day," She sneered before starting to walk off.

"Good luck bitch!" I responded before going back to sorting my papers. I heard her huff before the classroom door slammed shut. I let out a small chuckle before opening my notebook to the very back page. I pulled out my note taking markers and put a banner at the top that said "Cute Names" in cursive. I just finished outlining the page when Mrs. Jacob's walked into the classroom.

"To whoever upset Kelsey Nicholson, I'm worried for you," Mrs. J announced as she set her coffee down on her desk. Everybody in the class laughed lightly at her comment. Most everybody knew that Mrs. J was being sarcastic, but most people seriously knew that Kelsey was a threat to be reckoned with. Whatever she tried to throw at me, I would take on.

When the class grew silent again, Mrs. J continued talking,

"Well, today we have an assembly during your last two hours, so we aren't going to do anything in class today. I prefer to keep all of my classes together."

"What's the assembly about?" Somebody called out.

"Something that you all probably don't want to sit through," Mrs. Jacobs replied honestly.

"You can tell us Mrs. J!" Another kid called out.

"I have been instructed by your principal, MY boss, to not to tell you what it is about. Sorry kids!" Mrs. J informed us before sitting down at her desk. She let out a sigh before continuing, "Feel free to do as you please, but you may not leave the classroom or disturb the other classrooms."

I broke back to my notebook and pulled out my phone to open a baby name website. I looked up boy names first and found some I liked. Those included Levi, Noah, Adrian, and Chase. Then I found some girl names that I found cute. They were Oakley, Grace, Natalia, and Hazel.

When I closed down all of my tabs, I looked at my phone and saw a text from Wyatt.

Are you doing anything in class? - Wy

Nope. You? - Kens ❤️

We're doing absolutely nothing. Wanna meet me by the bathrooms?

Yes! I'm leaving now.

See you there ❤️

I got up from my seat and over to the board to grab the bathroom pass. I grabbed the pass and waved to Mrs. J before I left, so she knew I was leaving. I walked down the hall to the bathrooms, which were at the end of the hallway.

When I arrived Wyatt was already waiting for me and he pulled me into the supply closet next to the bathrooms. I know stereotypical highschool couple sneaking into the supply closet, but really we hadn't done it very often, only when we really wanted to see each other.

"How has your day been so far?" Wyatt asked me before leaning down to give me a light kiss.

"I had an encounter with Kelsey Nicholson earlier today, that was fun," I informed him as I leaned my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his back.

"What a bitch," he muttered before kissing my head.

"But I totally won and then I started looking up some cute names for bean," I smiled.

"Really? Did you find any?" He asked me. I nodded my head.

"We'll talk about them after school, so we can actually sit down without the fear that people are listening," I said.

"That's probably the best idea, I also have some names in mind that I think should go into consideration," he mentioned.

"You're the best, have I mentioned that?" I asked him.

"Yes you have," he smiled before pulling me in for another kiss.

"We should probably get back to class before Mrs. J come looking for me," I sighed.

"I'll see you in next hour?" He asked.

"Most definitely," I smiled before kissing his cheek. Wyatt let go of me to open he door and peek out.

"The coast is clear," He whispered before exiting, I followed after him and made my way back to Mrs. Jacobs room. I quietly opened the door and hung the bathroom pass back up before returning to my desk. Just as I sat down Arden entered the classroom and rushed over to me.

"Hey! Where were you?" I asked her.

"Hanging out with Jeremy," She informed me before sitting down in her seat.

"Ah, the infamous boyfriend himself," I chuckled.

"Oh he's was more than infamous. He's legendary," She said with a wink.

"That's just gross," I gagged before opening up my phone.

"You're the one who started this whole conversation!" She reminded me. I rolled my eyes and started to scroll through Instagram. After about 5 minutes the bell rang and I got out of my seat and grabbed my belongings before heading into the hallway. I spotted Wyatt right away and grabbed onto his hand as soon as I was close enough to him.

"What do you think that assembly is about?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows probably something lame."

"You'll sit by me right?" I asked.

"Of course, no other girl would ever get the honor of sitting next to me," He responded.

"What did I ever do without you?" I asked him before we headed to the next hour of the long day ahead of us.


Hey guys! I am so sorry that it has taken me so long to update! School is really getting me good, but my semester is done super soon, so I'll be able to have more time to write! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!

xx - Sidney

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