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It wasn't long before a technician came into the room and greeted us. Right away she started setting up the machine. I watched her as she turned on the monitor for me to look at and she grabbed a tube of gel.

"Alright Miss Harden, could you please pull your shirt up and your pants down to around your hips?" She asked me. I quickly did because I was wearing leggings, so it was no issue at all. She opened the tube and squirted some gel on my stomach. It definitely was not as cold as I was expecting, but it wasn't warm either. Wyatt squeezed my hand and I shot him a quick smile before training my eyes on the screen in front of me. The technician put the wand on my stomach and started moving it around to find the baby.

I gasped when I saw a baby appear on the screen and it actually looked like a baby. I had to be a decent amount of weeks along for the baby to look like that. Tears welled in my eyes and a huge smile was glued to my face.

"Just one baby, correct?" I asked. Obviously I would've felt blessed if it was twins, but I didn't think I could handle that and high school.

"Yes, just one baby," She replied. She moves the wand around and pointed some things out to us as she took our measurements. Every once in a while Wyatt would lean over and kiss the side of my head, or mumble something in my ear. It was nice to have him there, it would have been a totally different experience if I would have been by myself.

"Here is the heartbeat," The technician announced before a light fluttering sound filled the air. My chest tightened and tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. Wyatt noticed my tears and wiped them from my eyes as he listened to the noise. The baby's heartbeat was almost peaceful to listen to, a reminder that this was a real live growing human.

"Alright, Dr. Lincoln will be back with you shortly," the technician smiled as she handed me a paper towel to wipe the goo off my stomach. I took it from her hands and she exited the room.

"We made that," I smiled as I stood up to throw away the paper towel. Wyatt rested his hands on my hips and I melted into his chest.

"Baby Chandler is so lucky," he sighed as he wrapped his arms fully around me. I followed suit and wrapped my arms around his torso. We held each other until we heard the door knob turn. I reluctantly pulled away from Wyatt and reclaimed my seat on the table.

"Alright Kennedy, according to the measurements taken, you are measuring around thirteen weeks and three days, which puts the date of conception at the beginning of September," Dr. Lincoln told me after she sat down in her chair.

I furrowed my eyebrows, slightly confused, "Wait, but I got my period in October."

"That was most likely not your period. Bleeding is common at the beginning of a pregnancy, so you have nothing to worry about, but if it happens again, just let us know, so we can keep an eye on it," she explained. My shoulder relaxed with a rush of relief.

"Is thirteen weeks late to find out?" I asked.

"Typically no, if mother's are trying they usually find out before that, but in a case such as yours it is typical for the mother to find out anywhere from ten to thirteen weeks," Dr. Lincoln answered my question. She then looked though a file on her computer.

"Alright, just one baby, no twins this time. The heartbeat was very strong which is a very good sign. I'm going to suggest that you go buy prenatal vitamins and start taking them everyday. Baby looks good, so we'll see you back here in four weeks," Dr. Lincoln wrapped up.

She stood up from her chair and walked over to me with two ultrasound pictures, "I assumed you would like to have these."

"Thank you so much," I thanked her before standing up myself. She nodded and headed out the door. I looked at the two pictures and handed one to Wyatt.

"We should tell your parents, now that we have the picture," I suggested.

"I was thinking the same thing, I know Mom will be over the moon, it's Dad that I'm worried about," He confessed.

"Didn't your parents have your older sister when they were 19?" I recalled.

"Yeah, but Dad never wanted us to follow in their footsteps and I just turned 17 and your going to turn 17 next year." He mumbled.

"It'll be okay," I promised. To calm his nerves, I gave him a kiss in the cheek. He sighed and grabbed my hand before we left the room.

We stopped by the checkout desks and I scheduled my next appointment for a few days after the new year. The receptionist told me we would be able to learn the baby's gender at the next appointment if we chose to.

"Speaking of gender, do you want to do a reveal party or keep it low key?" I asked Wyatt as we walked towards his car.

"Whatever you want to do," he shrugged.

"Well, before we reveal a gender, we have to announce we are having a baby, so we should do that soon," I started, "maybe I can tell all the girls at our next sleepover on the twenty-first, but I might be showing by then," I added in.

Wyatt pulled open his car door, "You have permission to wear all of my sweatshirts if you would like," he informed me.

"I will definitely be needing those!" I giggled before opening my door and getting in. I took one last look back at the hospital before we drove off and I still couldn't get over how surreal everything felt. Yet, here I was, having a baby with my amazing boyfriend at sixteen years old.


Hey everyone! I feel like I always say the same things in this little blurb, but I hope all of you are enjoying this story and let me know what you think the baby's gender will be. I'm like 95% set on one, so now I have to start thinking of names! Don't forget to vote!

xx - Sidney

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