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"Are you still pregnant?" Wyatt whispered into my ear, in an attempt to wake me up, as the summer sun shined through my bedroom window.

"Yes, I'm still pregnant, just like when we went to bed last night," I sighed, placing a hand on top of my huge baby bump. My due date was on June ninth and it was now June fifteenth, this baby seemed to not want to budge for whatever reason. 

"What time is it?" I asked Wyatt. He grabbed him phone off of the edge of the bed to look.

"Eleven," He responded. I groaned as I snuggled back into my pillow.

"This baby decided that he could stay in past his due date as well as keep me awake for a majority of the night," I complained.

"Your doctor did say that if we still don't have a baby by next week, that we would need to schedule an induced labor, so hopefully if won't be too much longer," Wyatt reminded me as he brushed my hair out of my face.

"I hope not, this baby needs to be out a-s-a-p," I said as I sat up in bed. I swung my legs over the edge of my bed before pulling myself up with the help of the headboard.

"Where are you heading?" Wyatt asked.

"I'm heading to the kitchen because I am starving," I told him, opening my bedroom door, "You coming?" I asked. He nodded before getting out of bed and throwing on a t-shirt. We both headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some sugary cereal before sitting down to enjoy it.

"No milk?" Wyatt questioned as he looked at my bowl of dry cereal.

"Milk had not been sitting well in my stomach this last week," I explained, taking a bite of the dry cereal in question.

"This baby really is trying to make your life miserable," Wyatt admitted as he sat down next to me.

"He's making yours miserable too, you've been worrying so much, I swear you've aged ten years," I pointed out. When I looked in Wyatt's eyes, I could tell he was exhausted. It was clear that his nervousness about me going into labor was making him lose sleep, but he was trying to hide it from me. I hated seeing him like that, worried and tired, I just wanted my funny and loveable Wyatt back. I was hoping after little Noah came into the world, things would go back to a somewhat normal way. Obviously we'd have a baby, but some things would be able to return to normal.

"Do you just want to chill here today?" Wyatt asked, clearly trying to change the subject so he wouldn't have to talk about himself.

"Yeah, my pregnant ass has not felt like leaving the house in months and that is definitely not going to be changing today," I assured him.

"Movie? Game? Um—" Wyatt started.

"Just relax in bed and possibly sleep?" I added in.

A small smile broke out on his face, "That sounds like a great idea."

I leaned over the counter to place my empty bowl in the sink before getting up from the stool I was sitting on. "I'm going to go take a shower, take your time eating," I informed him before heading up the stairs and into my bathroom.

I grabbed clean pairs of undergarments and a new outfit before turning on the water and letting it heat up. As I was waiting to get into the shower, I got another Braxton Hicks contraction, however it hurt a little bit more than they usually did. I brushed it off and hopped into the shower. I showered as fast as possible and was back in comfy clothes and feeling clean in under fifteen minutes. I had chosen to wear a pair of leggings and a very large sweatshirt for the day because those were basically all I was living in because everything else I owned was too small.

"Hi," I smiled as I saw Wyatt laying on the bed. I crawled in a curled up as close to him as possible without crushing him with the weight of my bump.

"You should get some more sleep," Wyatt whispered as he rubbed circles on my back.

"You should too," I replied, running my fingers through his messy hair.

"I will if you will," He promised.

"Okay, and don't worry I am literally right next to you, so you will know immediately if anything happens," I assured him. He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his chest before closing my eyes. I focused on Wyatt's heartbeat and breathing and fell asleep thinking about how our baby was half of me and half of him.

I woke up around three hours later to another small pain in my stomach. I shrugged, three hours was better than no hours. When I woke up, Wyatt was awake and scrolling through something on his phone.

"Did you sleep at all?" I asked him.

"Yes," He responded.

"How long?" I asked.

"An hour and a half," He shrugged, looking down at me.

"I'll get off of you now, if you'd like to get up to do anything," I said as I moved off of him and onto my side of the bed.

"I'm going to go shower," He told me before getting off of the bed.

I felt another pain in my stomach, Wyatt paused and looked at me. "Kennedy, are you okay?" He asked, moving towards me cautiously.

"I'm fine, just go shower," I said, waving him off to the bathroom. The pain lasted for about forty-five seconds and was stronger than any false contractions I had felt before.

I heard Wyatt turn on the shower and laid back in bed to see if that would help the pain. Maybe I was having these while I was sleeping too, but they just weren't strong enough to wake me up, I thought to myself. If it was real labor, I knew Wyatt and I would need to be leaving my house soon, but if not I didn't want to be the labeled as an ignorant teenage girl who showed at the hospital for false labor.

I felt another pain come on about ten minutes after the last one, right as Wyatt was coming out of the bathroom. I looked up at him and I knew he could see the fear in my eyes.

"Ken—" He started.

"Wyatt, I think I may be going into labor," I whispered as I stood up from the bed. As soon as I stood up, I felt liquid run down my legs and Wyatt's eyes grew big.

"Nevermind," I squeaked out, "I am definitely in labor."


It's finally happening guys! I am so excited for Kennedy and Wyatt to finally meet their baby because you all know we have been waiting for this for forty-five chapters! I promise baby Noah is coming in the next chapter and I am so excited! Don't forget to vote if you are enjoying MBBFB!

xx - Sidney

My Brother's Best Friend's BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora