Chapter 8

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I had been living with Marisa for a few months and had just the five month mark and things were great well, as great as they could be considering my situation. I knew I needed to get a job, but no one seemed to be willing to hire a pregnant woman. I didn't have too many options because I never finished high school and I don't have many skills.

I was taking a walk in the city and I stumbled upon a little run down diner called Joe's, it looked like it was the kind of diner with aged décor but amazing food. I wasn't too crazy about going in considering I had forgotten to cover the faint bruises on my face, they were just about gone and I almost looked normal. I decided to suck it up and just go in, I really needed a job.

I was greeted by a petite, older woman whose nametag read Grace. She smiled warmly at me.

"Hey honey, what can I do for you today?"

"Um, I was wondering if you were hiring by any chance."

She looked down at my now noticeable bump.

"Father backed out?"

Her question caught me off guard and I faltered in my answer a little bit.

"How did y- yes, you could say that."

"You running? Something tells me you didn't get all scratched up and bruised from falling, honey."

I was speechless at this point so I just nodded.

"I'll be right back, feel free to sit at a table."

I made my way to one of the tables and nervously played with my fingers for a few minutes until I saw Grace walking up with giant of a man.

"Honey this is my husband Joe, he's the owner, and I didn't catch your name honey."

"I'm Anastasia, but everyone calls me Ana."

Joe spoke up this time.

"Well Ana, my wife here explained your situation and I'm suddenly in need of waitress. Now the pay won't be much but you get free food and you'll be well taken care of, I promise you that."

I smiled at the older couple. I knew this was a place where I would feel safe at.

"I'll take it."

"Okay hon, you can start Monday morning, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much, I really appreciate this."

I held my hand out to shake his hand.

"Honey we don't shake hands around here, we're family."

He laughed and wrapped me in his arms in a bear hug, he reminded me of my father. In a weird way they looked like older versions of my parents. Grace had blonde hair streaked through with gray and bright green eyes, like my mom. Joe was a big man with dark skin with a shiny bald head with a gray goatee and warm brown eyes. I think I'm gonna like it here.

I asked to use a phone so that I could tell Marisa the good news and she all but yelled my ear off, apparently this was one of her favorite spots so she was looking forward to the discounts. She offered to pick me up, but I told her I would walk because I wasn't that far and I knew she and Cameron were out on a date and I didn't want to interrupt.

Grace handed me a few uniforms and sent me on my way after I turned down a ride home from them. I probably should have accepted that ride because it was dark out and I didn't bring a jacket and it was getting cool out. I decided that the first thing I would do with my first paycheck was buy a cellphone. I wasn't in a particularly bad neighborhood, but it wasn't exactly that friendly at night. I heard heavy footsteps come up behind me. I placed my hands protectively over my belly and walked as fast as I could. The footsteps stopped and I glanced behind me as I continued walking. There was no one there. Maybe I'm just hearing things. I walked a little faster and turned the corner and slammed into a man.

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