Chapter 5: What a bunch of idiots.

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The grand doors of my father's mansion opened, there greeted a long line of maids and butlers. Bowing their heads.

"Welcome, First miss." The maids and the butlers said harmoniously. It's like they've done this everyday. Umm.

It seems like... I judge, wrongly?

I'm just there standing speechless with Anne on my right and the butler who looks like Alfred on my left. Damn, I didn't expect to be welcomed so warmly. What should I do?

"Welcome, older sis!" Before I even open my mouth, a little girl, smaller than me, shouted while running at me. I can't do anything but freeze when this little girl suddenly hugged me, like a longtime relative she just sees after so many years. Which is...Partially correct.

I can't do anything but awkwardly pat the girl's back. I look like a fucking block of ice right now. Looking for help I looked at Anne, the word help is written all over my face.

Anne was about to say something but the a gentle voice boomed in the whole entrance.
"Arya, stop it. Your sister must be tired after her long journey."

A beautiful woman in her early 30's is what I saw, the woman looks just like the little girl in my arms. Glancing at her right, I saw a handsome man in his mid 30's, his eyes held warm as he looks at the girl in my arms but then the warmth disappeared when his eyes lingered on me.

So this is my fucking father.

"Amethyst, greets the duke and duchess." I said, spitting the duke and duchess part as if my mouth tasted something bitter. What? Do you think I will make my stay here peaceful? Then, why did I even left in the first place? I'm here to bring trouble. Call me evil. Call me a devil. I don't care.

Does he think I'm an idiot? I clearly saw, with my two own eyes, that you got a new wife and now I have a sister. And here I thought I've wrongly put you in the evil light because you've greeted me so wonderfully. I pity this child. To even have a father like you.

I didn't hold back my glare to the guy, must have felt it because he glared back to me. Oh? You're on.

Our glaring contest lasted for who-knows-how-long until a cough interrupted us. Glancing at Alfred, yes I'm calling him Alfred now, I raised my brow. Asking why did he interrupted us. Alfred shrugged his shoulders as if he did nothing wrong. What a good butler.

"Ame, there's no need to be formal." The woman started off a little nervous. Must be because of my intense stare. "Y-You can call me mother." Sorry. It's not your fault but you're getting involved. Blame that husband of yours.

"I'm sorry, duchess." I started off, my eyes becoming colder every words I spoke. "I have only one mother." finishing it off with a hard glare to my father.

"I-Is that so..." The woman looked sadly at the floor. Agh. No. My inner gentleman, wouldn't let a beautiful lady cry. Damn it.


"Yes?" She asked, her eyes full of hope.

"I can call you aunt." I saying sorry silently. I don't know why but I can't stop it.

"It's alright." Smiled reassuringly.

"Mommy! Let's go have some tea!" My little sister said excitedly. My eyes softening. Hey. Even if she's the bastard's son doesn't mean that it's her fault alright?

"Alright. Would you like to join us Ame?"

"No thank you, I still need to fix my things."

"I see..." Aunt said a little disappointed but she quickly covered it up with a smile when she sees the troubled expression in my face. "Escort Ame to her room." She told one of the maids.

"Then I'll be taking my leave, duke, aunt." I bid my goodbye to my new family with a bow, then I motioned Anne to follow me while the maid lead our way.

Bastard, can you just stop. You're putting holes inside my head with your glares. Sigh. Just-don't look back, Ame. Just let him be.

(A: Let's have a time skip. (~‾▿‾)~)

It's done!

My room had a complete make over. From pinkish peach the walls became gradient, from white to deep blue, just like my dress. My furnitures are colored in a sky blue color, framed by gold. Before we finished everything, I putted some stars in the ceiling, every time I look up, I thought I was standing under the night sky.

The maids and butlers that helped me praised me for my beautiful work, I can't help but feel proud to my work, even I am amazed about the things this small hands can do.

Well, I love drawing. In my last life, I had thought about taking arts for college because it was my dream before, to become a great artist, but... I wanted to please my parents so... I gave it up.

"Sigh" I can't help but unconsciously let out a sigh.

"Are you alright, first miss?" A maid named Maria asked me, looking so concerned.

"I'm alright, Maria. Just a little tired." I smiled reassuringly to her, but instead of relief, I saw shock written on her face. Before I speak about my confusion, I was startled when Maria suddenly shed a tear.

"W-What's wrong?" I asked, afraid. That I just said something that might hurt her feelings. OMayGahhD!! My inner gentleman is awakening!!!

Wiping Maria's tears, I chanted reassuring words in her ears. Please don't cry. This is hard for me...

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to be gentle.

"I-It's nothing, i-it's just that. First miss, r-remembered my name."

"Pfft. Foolish girl, you made me worried for nothing." I said laughing, at this misunderstanding.

These idiots...

A sweet laughter was heard in the room, there a Little girl is seen, laughing her ass off. While does people around her are dumbfounded.

After a while another laughter boomed from the little girls back, a maid with short shoulder-length hair. The both of them laughed as if there's a funny meme they saw.

Then much more people laughed, one by one, they laughed, until the once crying maid, was also laughing with them. It's the first time, the mansion was full of laughters.

What a bunch of idiots.

chapter 5, complete!

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