Chapter 15: Home

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An ear piercing scream echoed through the whole church. The bride's once pure white dress is now stained with crimson blood. The arrow that pierced through her heart is glowing a bright blue color.

Everyone hid except me and Marielle's husband, he's on his knees, crying while holding Marielle close to his heart as if protecting her.

While I stood there, frozen in place. There's tears flowing down my face, but I can't speak nor move. I can't hear anything, even the pleads and shouts of Ame, Nox and Aunty, begging me to come with them and take cover. But theres only one thing in my head, Marielle's lifeless figure.

Marielle.... No.

Those words kept repeating in my head, as if I'm saying a chant. I-I don't want to lose her, no, she's the only thing I have please. Please.


I felt another gust of wind, another arrow was shot. Thankfully, Nox putted an ice barrier to shield me from the attack. Heh. I can feel his presence.


I tilt my head and glared murderously at the black shadow, from the corner of my eye, I can see Aunty and Ame shaking furiously because of my glare. Even Nox flinched because of it.

I held the closes thing my hands could touch: and that's a chair. Without me knowing, markings appear through my arm from my fingertips. My eyes stings so much but I never dared to leave my eyes on the assasin.

Throwing the chair as hard as I could, I watch as the chair came in contact with the church's concrete making that part of the balcony fall off and also making a large hole through.

The assasin fell off butt first. He was about to escape but I punch the ground making it crack, the markings on my arm moved like snakes on the floor, binding the assasin.

Walking slowly and steadily, I enjoyed his quivering state with a merciless smile on my face. Along the way, I picked up a sharp rock to smash his bones with and to cut some skin.

"Let's make this a little longer for you, shall we?" I said while I'm playfully tossing the rock in the air.

"You better answer all of my questions. If I'm not please with your answer, one bone will crack. Got it?"

There was no response, but I could tell he's frightened.

"Who sent you?"


"Eee! Wrong choice, mate!" I made a buzzing sound like the one you hear in a game show.

I stretch my arm to give more strength to my attack but before I break his arm, a rope like ice bind my wrist. I glance at Nox knowing he's the only one here who can use ice magic.

The assasin let out a relieved sigh, his tense body now slightly relaxed. Oh you little fucker think that you can escape? I'm gonna make you want to go to hell instead of staying in this world, you little shit.

"It's not funny, Elsa." I look at Nox with a forced smile, pulling my hand from the rope's tight hold. He can't seriously stop me, can he? He saw what happened, right?

"Sigh." Nox released a deep sigh and then walk towards me. I can see his warm-gentle blue eyes from here. my eyes flickered from left to right, not used with his gentleness. I suddenly became emotional.

I tried to stop the tears but I can't hold my emotions any longer, my fury turned into a cry of sadness. Fatigue suddenly rushed through my whole body, my whole body hurts. The markings

I fell into my knees, anger, digust, grief, all of these. I can feel it in one go. I feel so disgusted, that can't protect her.

I'm so useless! I'm fucking useless! S-She's always there to help me, while I can't even help her. It's my fault! It's all my fault!

Wait. No. It's all because of this fucking imbecile! And the one who's behind this!

I want to scream, kill him, torture him, but I want answers, I want him to answer. Why? WHY HER?! Why of all people...

...Why me?

I weeped like a child, cursed like a sailor but the tight feeling in my chest never lessen. I threw all my dignity towards the window, and acted like a barbarian.


I suddenly felt a comforting warmth, strong muscular arms wrap around me. Nox sat me in his lap, then cradled me like a baby. The action only made my crying worst, but instead of anger, it's more of an cry of a bullied pup to it's father.

I can't hear Nox gentle and sweet words because of my own noise, I'm an idiot. I never thought that I've been longing for a father's love. Of course, with my large ego, I would never admit.


After that, I fell asleep because of crying too much.


Sitting in the middle of the nave(1), a handsome silver haired man is holding a sleeping little girl. No one dared to say anything after what happened, the silver haired man kissed the little girls forhead, he look at the couple at the chanel(2), then the frozen man in black clothing.

He stand up, while holding the little girl effortlessly he walked towards a beautiful pink haired woman holding a beautiful pink haired girl then he layed the girl in the woman's lap.

"My lord!" Five strong armored guards rushed in, seeing the large hole on the balcony, their lord emitting a murderous aura, the assasin and a dead body. They quickly got into their knees, shaking in fear.

"Fix this, then imprison him. I'll be dealing with him later." The handsome silver head man said coldly.

The knight didn't say anything, but they know what to do. And they're positive, that this assassin, will have a taste of hell.

"Let's go home."


(1): Central and principal part of a church, extending from the entrance.

(2): The larger area around the altar is called the chancel. 

Helloo~ (≧∇≦)/

It's a pretty sad chapter (T▽T)

I'll miss Marielle (┳Д┳)


What is Ame's powers?


I think you guys already knew (~‾▿‾)~


Chapter 15: Complete!

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