Chapter 26: YOU PASS!

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"Uhhh... Where am I?" I said to myself as I look around this large garden. I was just walking aimlessly in the halls, I don't know how the fuck did I got here.

'I'm just a little girl lost in the moment~'


'This is not the time for singing!' I thought after slapping myself in the face. I need to be serious and pick where to go already or else I'll be late for the special class.

Well incase you didn't know I've already survived all of my normal classes, and oh boi, my teachers were great!

We have this one science teacher with unkept hair and one patched eye, she's obsessed with giants.

And know what? She's so great and interesting that I listened to her blabber about other worlds and her experiments. Her excited face is also so pretty that my heart can't help but skip a beat! My friends, I do tell you, what I am feeling right now is love at first meeting.

But. Wait we're drifting away from the topic. The point is I'm lost and I can only think of one way to escape this.

I cover my eyes with one hand and point straight ahead. I turn around three times and then say the magic words. This is what I do whenever I'm indecisive.

"Eenie.... Meenie... Miney.... You!" I uncover my eyes only to see that I pointed at a tree. Well that was an epic fail, but hey! Who would knows mabye the tree can help me find the training grounds.

Now what should I do with this? Climb on top?Nah I'm not good at climbing trees unlike Bakarina. Should I go where the branches are pointing at? No, no, that was stupid.

"Are you lost?" A voice suddenly said, cutting my train of thoughts. Turning around and saw a handsome boy with blue hair and golden eyes.

'He looks kind of familiar...' Where did I met this dude? I think I knew him. I just can't remember how and when did we meet.

"Sadly, yes I am." I said, answering his question.

"Oh. Then we can go find a way out together, I am also lost."

"Wow, we're both stupid aren't we." I suddenly blurted out my thoughts without me knowing, when I realize my mistake I awkwardly look at him to see if he's offended. Turns out he's not, in fact he laughed.

... I need a person like you in my life.

My eyes shine brightly seeing his reaction. He was not offended! Oh God it's rare seeing people like him these days. Ya know what? Most of the kids here are BRATS! Like I was bullied a moment ago, a group of girls suddenly showed up threatening me with fire balls and ect.

Of course I just escaped because I'm too tired to mess with them, like I don't even know why the fuck are they doing that, and I also don't have time for them.

But really. It's refreshing that I get to see someone polite and understanding like him.

"I'm sorry I said something.... Weird."

"I don't mind at all, in fact what you just said is true, the situation we are in is kind of stupid." We then both start walking towards a random direction.

"Where are you going anyways?"

"I was just about to go towards the training grounds."

"What a coincidence, I also need to go there."

"You want to be a knight?"

"Not actually, it's just that it's where I'm good at."

"I thought you would prefer to be an magician... Most ladies want to be one."

Reincarnated as a Villainess: This Miss is Really Lazy! [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now