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Chapter 3

Looking around and some other places. This space is gigantic.
Its like having a world for yourself. He stands up and put his two hand on his sides and look up.

"Look at me and Serve me. I am The 'King' of this world."
He then laughs evilly.

Shushu rolls on the ground lazily.
"Host, you really am the King of this space you know. From now on you can use this space and further improve the selection of fruits and vege."

"Huh? Why? There's so much here and you still want me to plant more?" King frowns.
He's been here for 2 hours now base on his mental calculation and really getting bored.

"Ofcourse! There's so much space. Why not?" Shushu pouts, all his previous hosts are all enthusiastic and immediately startd planning to cultivate more food. Why would King frowns and question him?

"I dont want to do that. Is that even needed? Why would your previous host do something like cultivate so many trees and vege? Is he poor?"
King frowns.

"My fifth host may be under alot of stress. He comes from zombie apocalypse after all. He even brings his wife and children in the space and we live here until he dies."

"Ehh???! Good job that you dont bring me to that apocalypse."

"Host's parallel self in that world is already dead along time ago."

"Thank you for kindly telling me!"
King frowns.
Breathing heavily and sighing with a satisfied smile.
"Where is your previous host's family then? Dont tell me once your host died you throw them out?"

"I did." Shushu pouts. "Its not like I have a choice. I have connection with the host but just him. Once he died, a system will choose another host. I am powerless about it." He looks down and sobs.
His cute little paw brushes his face with a sorrowful expression.

"Oh..I see." I pat his head.

"I also been tied to a host where he build a huge restaurant. So he is very enthusiastic in adding more sea creatures in this space. You can find all other plants that he uses alot in his restaurant here." Shushu's face brighten upon telling him the uses in his space.

"Oh...But I can just go to the restaurant if I want to eat."

"....." shushu.

"I have money you know. I dont need to plant this things to save money or I dont need to earn money."

"Everything you raise or plant in this place will taste twice no thrice no 100 times better than outside! It taste so fresh and crisp. Look at this lettuce. Its so huge right?"

"Shushu give up."

"....." Shushu.

"Hey, how can I go out from here anyways?"

Shushu starts to cry out loud. He is even rolling.
"Why...Why cant you understand? You have to understand." He said sobbing.

"Okay. Okay. Stop crying. How about this, I will employ someone who will add more plants and trees here?"

"But...But...Are you going to reveal this place? Am I not a special secret weapon for you? Are you treating me like Im worthless?" Shushu then again cried and roll.

King sigh and his head hurts.
"No. Ofcourse not. We are tied together right? I will help Shushu. For now I dont need this space but once I encounter danger I can hide here and save myself, right? If I got stranded without food then I can still eat because of you. How very powerful! Shushu is like a magical item sent by heaven!" King said in a coaxing tone.

Shushu wipes his face.
"Really? Im useful?"


"Oh...Then...You should improve of the space better!" He said beaming happily.

"Ofcourse. Ofcourse." King is sighing inwardly. When will shushu tells him how to get out?

"Oh. You are this place owner. You should sign first that you understand and comprehend that you are the new host to be able to come and go in this space." Shushu said and a paper contract appear with a pen.

"If I dont sign this, then I wont be tied to you?" King ask.

Shushu's eyes widen.
He then roll again.
"I thought you said Im useful! You meanie. You meanie!"

"Yes.yes. Im sorry. I really like Shushu. Sign right? Okay Ill sign." King shakes his head as he sign the paper.
Once its done and he willed to get out he return to the infirmary.

"Uwaah!" The nurse exclaimed and look at King in bewildered.
"I thought you are gone..Yet you are here...huh? Huh?" She looks so confuse.

Maybe my body suddenly disappear and appear in front of her making her scared.

"Im sorry. What happen to me?" Pretending I dont know a damn thing.

"You..You disappear. Your friend is very angry and he asks all the security to find you. We look at all the camera but you didnt appear. And then you..You appear...Huh? Im confuse."

"Sorry but where is Thor? My friend Thor?"

"He contacted this scary man. He..your Father?"

I shake my head.
My father will be really furious.

"Can you lead me the way?" I ask with a bit smile.

"Are you okay now? You suddenly collapse and your heart beat are so low. Before you disappear I check your Vital sign and I called an ambulance cause you are on verge of dy---critical condition."
The nurse raises her hand and feel my forehead and my wrist.

"You look okay.." she said still in disbelief.

"I am a bit dizzy though." I lied cause if I really am in verge of dying and suddenly spring back to life then they might think Im crazy or Im possessed right?

"Then you have to lie down!" The nurse panic and push me to the bed. Her movement is very rough and my head bump the not so soft pillow.

"Oh-" she looks scared.

I smile to assure her.

"Can you call my Father?"

"Right away!" She walk-run to the door and then suddenly look back at me. "Dont disappear this time." She said.

I wryly smile and nod.

After a good minute of silence a heard alot of hurried footsteps.
The door slammed open, father, that's very impolite.

"Son!" He almost jump to my side in delight.

"Dad, it hurts." I said patting his back.
I look at the red rimmed eyed Thor and nod at him.
He also smile and nod at me.

"Dont worry me this much! I call your grandfather in tbe military, he send alot of soldier to look for you."

"Oh dad! Why did you do that?" I frown.
Grandfather in the military...He is my Maternal Grandfather. He is a bit--no a huge spoiler. He really likes it when I visit him but he dont express it too much. Others may misunderstood but since I received millions of money as a birthday gift and all sort of money eating gadget as his gift, I dont misunderstood how he values me greatly. Well, Im his only grandson.
Mother might adopt a son but Im still his only blood related grandson.

"Why not? Anyways, where were you?"

"I dont know. I am shock when the nurse shout and she told me I disappear. I dont really know so dont ask me." I look pitiful and cling to my father.

"Oh...I see. Okay." He said coaxing me to sleep more.

I dont want them to ask any more..Can I even tell them honestly? That I am summoned by a tiger cub and went to a space for myself?

I better sleep more.



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