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Today is the best hangover I've ever experienced. My head is pounding, a stampede of some sort of heavy animal running riot in my skull. My mouth is dry and parched; the desperation for water and a Tylenol is unrivalled to any pain I've ever felt. My light sensitive eyes, oh god my eyes, they are burning in the morning light, the slightest ray of sun that sneaks past the blackout curtains making my eyeballs feel like they're being cooked alive.

But still this hangover is so, so worth it. Because lying beside me with her arm tightly wound around my waist and her head buried in the crook of my neck is Mackenzie Daniels, and that means that everything that happened last night wasn't just a figment of my drunken imagination.

We really kissed, we really admitted how we felt and finally, finally, I've started to know what really falling for someone feels like. There's no point in even denying it, I've had a crush on Mackenzie from the moment I laid eyes on her in Benny's after soccer practice in the summer, and getting to know her has only strengthened the feelings I've tried to deny having for her.

I smile despite the agony inside my head and open my eyes, braving the sun and letting my eyes settle on the girl asleep beside me. Or more specifically on me considering that her leg is thrown over mine and a higher percentage of her body is pressing down on mine than the bed, but she isn't heavy. Her face is clear of makeup, even in her drunken state last night she managed to remove it in between trying to kiss me senseless; she succeeded in doing so several times until I had to force her to be quiet in case the rest of the girls heard us. Her thick lashes are skimming against her cheekbones and her full lips are slightly parted, short huffs of breath escaping past them as she sleeps.

I can't believe I got so lucky.

I lift my hand and let the pads of my fingertips skim across her soft skin, tracing the curve of her jaw and the slope of her brow. She's beautiful, stunning, easily the most attractive person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. My fingers move from connecting her freckles to playing with her hair, her sandy blonde hair curling delicately around my fingertips, the colour a bright contrast to the sun kissed skin of my index finger. I can't help but rest my forehead softly against hers, her skin warm and comforting.

I feel her stir, her voice mumbling incoherent sentences against the skin of my neck as she nuzzles further into my shoulder, her hand fumbling slightly until it comes into contact with mine. I grin, my pain seeming to fade away as I watch her lace her fingers through mine, squeezing my hand gently in her own, her thumb sweeping circles across my knuckles as I feel her start to come around against my neck.

"I want you to cleave my head from my shoulders." I hear her groan, her free hand propping her body above mine as she opens her eyes, the grey appearing white in the morning light. I watch with a smirk as she comes around, wincing at the light she's voluntarily sticking her eyes in. But then she smiles, a grin so soft and bright that all of my pain and surroundings fade away until it's just the two of us, her face mere millimetres from mine. "Actually, no. I don't want you to cleave my head from my shoulders."

"Why?" I ask, my gaze locked on hers once she finally stops squinting through her eyelids and looks at me properly. "Make your mind up. Am I decapitating you or not?"

"Not yet." She smiles, her incisors skimming across her bottom lip until her full grin is visible to me. She drops her head; her mouth mere centimetres away as she tilts her head slightly against mine, her smile only broadening as her lip ghosts over my own. "Because without a head, I wouldn't be able to do this."

She tilts her head further and presses her lips gently, but hungrily to my own. Kissing her is bound to be my new addiction, her lips something I already can't get enough of. She tastes of mint after I forced her to brush her teeth mere hours ago, those same teeth she is now using to bite down gently on my lip. I force myself into a sitting position, now being able to use my hands to cup her face and pull her closer, meaning that she now has one leg on either side of my body as she straddles me. She pulls back, only to look at me and grin bashfully, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, before leaning in and kissing me again, this time more forcefully.

Better Than Milkshakes, Better Than Boys (girlxgirl)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang