Part 26 Not A Chapter

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Hey, guys. So, I was making a family tree... and I realized that I have no family background whatsoever on Jack or Amy... That's probably not good... so... I was hoping that you could help me pick a last name for Jack and his sister, his mom, and his dad. His mom's name is Amelie. His dad's name is Leon. Amelie's last name will just be her maiden name. I've decided that Leon and Jack's last names will be different, because Jack changed his last name. So, basically in simpler terms, they all have different last names. Just a heads up, they're all German, but Jack and Amy weren't born in Germany.

Anyway, so I would like some help picking last names for the three. Here's some last names:

Müller (miller)

Schneider (tailer)

Weber (weaver)

Fischer (fisherman)

Meyer, Mayer, Meier (manorial landlord, self-employed farmer)

Becker (baker)

Schulz (sheriff)

Schäfer (shepherd)

Koch (cook)

Klein (small, short)

Lang (tall)

Schröder (tailer, wine shipper)

Zimmerman (carpenter)

Braun (brown-haired)

Roth (red-haired)

Schuster (shoemaker)

Hahn (rooster)

Fuchs (fox-like)

Wolff (wolf-like)

Groß (big, large)

Ziegler (brickmaker)

Engel (angel)

Bergmann (miner)

Pfeiffer (piper)



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