Chapter 37 Road Trip

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This chapter only has 610 words, but I'm going to update soon. I wonder if his betas should go with him...


I follow the scent to the second row of houses. Maybe the fourth one, though I wasn't really paying attention.

I knock on the door. She's here.

It opens, revealing somebody I was not expecting.

I cock my head. "Atticus?"

"Master Jack, please come in." He ushers me inside.

"Uh, thanks, but I was just looking for my mate."

"Oh, Ellana. Of course." He turns around. "Elisa, Ellana!"

I wait patiently for her to grace me with her presence.

"What?" Ellie jogs around the corner. "Oh, it's just you. Is this important?"

"Of course it's important. I need you to come back, now. We have..."

Her eyes glaze over. Again, I wait patiently.

"I'm sorry, what?" She clears her throat.

Just then, Elisa joins.

"I need you to come with me. We need to talk."

"No. I don't want to talk to you. You took away my cookie privileges."

"You ate them, anyway."

"I'm still in full denial. You didn't need to take away my Reese cups and chocolate milk, too."

"Obviously I did, to get the point across to listen to me. You want ice cream taken away, too?"

Ellie narrows her eyes. Got her there. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, but I would."

"If you did that, I would leave you."

Accalia paces in my head, clearly agitated by what she said. I fucking hate it when she says that. She won't leave. I didn't allow her to before, so she won't now.

My cook speaks up, "I think you should go, Ellana. You can come back later."

She huffs and brushes past me.

I glare at the two. "Do you live together?"

"Yes, Master Jack. Elisa is my mate."

I freeze. "You never told me about this."

"My apologies, alpha."

He's only calling me those names, because he knows I'm on edge, now.

I nod at him. "Congratulations," I say, and walk out.

I see Ellana a little ways ahead of me.

She snarls at a few pups as she stomps to the estate, clenching her fists.

I smile. I love her. I really do. I may not really show it, but I do love her. I'm thankful to Moon Goddess put her in my life. At first, I was unthankful. I realized how much she changed me, though. I was tired of being this most feared alpha, when I could be most feared with a mate. 

I'm scared for her, though. She's stubborn. Very stubborn. And innocent. I fear that she could be taken from me any moment. Then she would be gone. I couldn't bare to deal with myself if she didn't make it.

I run over to her side. "How was your morning?"

"Fine, after you left," she growls.

I growl right back at her. She leaves it at that, as if she knows she can't win this fight.

"We need to talk," I say, matching her pace as we ascend up the steps.

"You already said that."

I open the door for her and close it behind myself, leaning on it.

Ellana goes straight to the couch. "You always do that. As if I'm going to try to escape, or something."

Accalia agrees in my head. Not that we always do this, but that we think she's going to escape.

"Well, don't you want to?"

"Some days," she sighs.

"But, you still love me, yes?"

She rolls her eyes. "If that helps you sleep at night."

"Well, it does, actually. Because-"

"Don't. Please."

"Anyway, the important matter to be discussed... We are going on a road trip."

"A road trip?" She asks in disbelief.


"You're letting me leave?!"

"I'm going with you. It's a business trip. I thought you might like to come along."

"Is this what you do? Talk to other packs, sit around, and fight people?"

"That's not all I do... I eat, too."

She rolls her eyes.

"You've gotta stop doing that."

"Make me."

"I might. Watch it." I check the time. "You've got two hours to pack."

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