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"I thought you went to this school, Brax,"Diana quipped

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"I thought you went to this school, Brax,"Diana quipped. After twenty minutes of aimless wandering, Diana finally proclaimed them lost.

"I do,"Braxton groaned, glaring at his sister, "But your attitude isn't helping."

Diana elbowed him in the side, "I think my attitude is making this adventure far more enjoyable."

"And I think it's time to ask for help,"Allison sighed, sharing a look with Margaret as they shook their head at the twins. You couldn't take them anywhere. Up ahead, Allison saw a boy that was walking in the direction opposite theirs and smiled. She walked up to him, with Margaret following after her so as not to be caught up in the twins' bickering, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me."

The boy turned and stared at them like the world had suddenly shifted into focus, "Erm, yeah?"

"My friends and I are new, and we haven't the slightest idea of where we're going,"Allison began, "Would you mind pointing us in the direction of room 452?"

"S-Sure,"he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, "I-It's back the way y-you came, h-hang a r-right at the stairwell."

"See!"Diana smacked her twin upside the head, "I told you!"

Allison gave them a pointed look most similar to a mother scolding her children before turning back to the boy, "Thanks."

"Yes, thank you very much,"Margaret smiled. Just as she was about to follow after the twins, who had already started back down the hallway when she remembered something. "Oh, and I'm Margaret, by the way." She gestured to the brunette beside her, "And this is Allison."

"Gerard,"he replied, watching as they followed after their friends. He'd have quite a story to tell his own friends later on. The tale of how he had met two of the most beautiful girls in all the world, not that he had met enough for there to be serious competition.

The group followed Gerard's instructions and took the proper turn this time. It was when they heard the booming of dozens of voices babbling down the hallway that they knew they were exactly where they were supposed to be. Allison just hoped she'd be able to sleep if this was what her residence hallway always sounded like.

"Brax!"one boy called out, excusing himself from his conversation to approach Braxton, "Your parents are in our room. Please go talk to them!" Diana and Braxton glared down the hall in the direction of Braxton's room and sighed exasperatedly.

"Alright, Matt, let's go,"Braxton patted Matt on the back and glanced at his sister and her friends, "I'll see you guys later?"

Allison frowned, "It's not like we have anywhere else to go." Brax took his luggage off the cart and waved before trailing after his roommate.

"Well, I guess we make the rest of the journey alone,"Diana shrugged, continuing to push the cart without a care towards the boys she might ram into. It wasn't even noon, and it had already been an agonizingly long day.

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