17. Hit or Miss

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17. Hit or Miss

I didn't dream at all, which I guess is considered a good thing. I was surprised I had fallen asleep like I had last night.

I woke up, looking at my bloody hands. District 8 boy's blood was on my hands. I remember slicing his throat, his body falling before me. I hadn't felt happy when I had killed, probably because I was focusing on all the madness around me at the time. I never got the chance to truly accept and relish the fact that I made my first kill on day one.

I yawned, trying to stretch. I saw an arm thrown over my side, I frowned. I shrugged out of the sleeping bag and out from under Bane's arm, but I couldn't evade him. He grabbed me tight, having me pressed against him. I wriggled madly, as if he was about ready to kill me. In a way he was, because he said he was trying to forget his feelings for me. He was such a bad liar, because I knew he wasn't over me. People couldn't quickly un-love someone. People couldn't just turn off their emotions quick like a light switch. Things didn't work like that.

"Bane," I hissed, pushing on his strong arm, "get off me."

He stirred but didn't wake up. I snarled, trying to pull my body out of his grasp. I was having no luck. My eyes narrowed. I ceased struggling and listened as Aubrey moved on top of the Cornucopia. I heard her walking along the top, sliding to my left. She had to have hit the ground, because I didn't hear her clunking on the Cornucopia.

"My, my," she sing-songed, "what a sight this is."

The morning sun showed Aubrey had slept well. Her bright blonde hair was in a braid over her left shoulder, her arms crossed over her chest, her brown eyes lit up at the sight before her.

"Can you help?" I pleaded. "I can't escape. He's got a tight grip. If he gets any tighter, I think he might kill me without even knowing it."

"Didn't you try and wake him up?"

"No, Aubrey, I didn't think about it," I growled sarcastically, wriggling restlessly. "Just help, will you?"

"All right, all right." Aubrey walked into the Cornucopia, taking the blunt end of an arrow, prodding Bane in the back with it.

It woke him right up. He released me immediately, whirled around, sprang to his feet, and knocked into Aubrey, pinning her against the wall. She yipped. I staggered to my feet.

"Never do that again," Bane hissed at Aubrey, his words venomous. Aubrey whimpered lowly. I couldn't tell if she nodded or not, Bane's body blocked my view of her entirely. He backed off, leaving Aubrey plastered against the wall, her legs quivering. Bane looked at me. "I can see you look better standing."

"Yeah, um, what the hell is wrong with you?" I pressed.


"You're such a horrible liar. You can't keep your hands off me."

"Crystal, I don't know what you're—"

"I woke up this morning to find your arm around me, and you wouldn't let go!" I roared.

"What?" he asked stupidly.

"Don't play stupid with me."

"I'm not. I swear I never touched you last night when you were asleep."

"I saw you with your arm on her, Bane," Aubrey squeaked, her voice a little shaky. Wow, and here I thought we Careers weren't afraid of anything. I guess I hadn't taken into account we could be afraid of each other. "You weren't letting her go."

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