18. Another Kill, Another Blow

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18. Another Kill, Another Blow

I hadn't really noticed just how far we hiked through the woods until we were running back the way we came. My leg threatened to buckle a few times because it felt like it was working too hard. I ran, the belt full of knives jangling against my body, the empty blowgun bouncing inside my jacket. I was keeping up pretty well.

We didn't hesitate to make noise when running, because we weren't really hunting. We were running back to our safe zone so we could trap a tribute who we thought was heading for the Cornucopia. For all we knew, we could have the wrong idea, but we were pretty convinced that was where he was headed. If he heard Aubrey and knew she was a Career, he probably assumed the rest of the pack was out as well. What better chance to snatch some weapons from the Cornucopia when all the pack is out, far away from their base?

I was so trained on keeping up with Bane and Aubrey that a tree branch tripped me. I fell face first, eating dirt. I spat it out. Bane came back for me and threw me onto his back. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist, arms around his neck and held on. I guess

Aubrey and he didn't want to wait for me to catch up. I wouldn't have minded if they had gone on without me.

Wait; scratch that...I would have minded. I would have been left alone, and I wouldn't be able to see the boy—whoever he was—get killed.

I ducked when a branch threatened to knock me out. I wondered if the boy who was going to the Cornucopia was Shane. Bane would finally get his chance to end the boy. But for some reason, I didn't want Shane to die. I didn't get it, I couldn't understand it.

Shane was smacked from my brain when thin tree branches smacked my forehead, probably giving ticks a chance to crawl on me and sink themselves into my skin, sucking on me like the little vampires they were.

When we crashed through the woods and the Cornucopia was in sight, I swore I saw a figure go in. Anger surged within me, so much that I detached myself from Bane, pulling out the blowgun and loading a dart. A loud scream from the Cornucopia made me run even faster, passing Aubrey and nearly catching up to Bane. A small boom exploded, making me freeze for a second. Light shone from the Cornucopia, coughing echoed out of it. I saw the boy run in the dark. I aimed for the boy, shooting. I got him in his leg. He toppled and I took lead, pouncing on his legs to hold him down.

He swiped at me with chains, forcing me to retreat. I pulled out my dart and jumped on his back, holding him. He rolled over, crushing my body between his and the ground. He whirled around, pressing the chains on my throat. My arms were trapped against his body so I couldn't do anything.

With a battle cry, Aubrey knocked the boy off me. I sat up, grabbing my throat, coughing. Victor and Ben ran out of the Cornucopia, eyes watering as they went to help Aubrey. Jenna came to help me up, her eyes were wet at well.

"Hold him!" Bane called. He stalked towards the wrestling match between Aubrey, Victor, Ben, and the boy. A flashlight was on the ground. Aubrey backed off from the fight, holding the light on the boys as they fought. The boy snarled in outrage as he was held by Victor and Ben. Jenna and I walked cautiously towards the fight, joining Aubrey.

The boy stopped struggling when looking at Bane. Bane's lips twisted into a sinister smile. With one quick thrust, the sword impaled the boy. Bane pushed it in there good until there was only the hilt that was visible in the boy's chest. The boy's dark blue eyes were in pain, staring blankly. I saw his body go limp. Jenna howled with laughter, Ben joined in.

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