Chapter 30 : Heartbroken

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My mother sighed as she looked at me. "Estelle Kage lost the USB and she was the one that put together a task force to retrieve it. The excuse from the upper CIA members was that it was a chance for her to redeem herself, but she probably begged her father to give the case to her because she felt humiliated."

I limped towards the chair next to her bed and sat down, biting down a wince. "What do you mean?"

"Her father's high up on the food chain in the CIA. Anything Estelle has done wrong has been overlooked."

I clenched my hands into tight fists, looking out the window as I heard more. So far, there seems to be no redeeming qualities about Estelle Kage. "And how do you know her, Alexander?"

"When I started searching for your father, she came to Phoenix Headquarters to find me and warn me that if I were to find either of your parents, I should inform her immediately." 

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Alexander walk over towards me while eyeing me cautiously.

I immediately stood up and knocked back my chair. As I was about to stomp out the door and find Estelle to break some more of her bones, Alexander quickly grabbed my arm to stop me. I tugged my arm to rip it out of his grasp, but he didn't relent.

I huffed through my nose, but stopped moving. Alexander must have understood that I wasn't going anywhere so he let me go and bent down to lift up the fallen chair.

"Sadly, you took after my temper, Vita." My mother chuckled softly. "Perhaps an even shorter fuse?"

I sighed.

"Much shorter," Alexander answered back and I turned to glare at him icily.

My mother burst out laughing.

"It's not that short," I grumbled as I sat back down.

There was a knock on the door and we all turned to look towards it to see Alexander's mother step in. As she walked towards me, Alexander took a step away from me to make room for her near the bed.

"How are you feeling, darling?" She bent down to my eye level and reached over to pat my head with a soft smile on her face.

"I'm feeling alright," I replied back sincerely and she nodded in understanding.

"I have some good news and bad news." She stood up fully and started to inform us all. "Efren and a few of his men were able to drop off the grid right before we got to them. They're currently in the wind. We seized the compound that you were captured in and with Cadence Reyes' information, we are able to take down more of his compounds and buildings across the country. We also have information on his dealings with other organizations and that was handed off to the FBI for them to handle. We will find him soon." Mrs. Blades eyed all of us carefully as she talked, especially me.

I simply kept my expression neutral.

"Thank you," My mother spoke up and Mrs. Blades shook her head.

"You don't need to thank me." Mrs. Blades grabbed my mother's hand and gave it a squeeze. She then got ready to leave. "Rest up, alright?" She gave my mother a hug and turned to me to press a kiss to my temple before she walked towards the door. Alexander kissed her cheek and she left.

Also wanting to visit my father today, I stood up as well. Promising my mother that I would come back today again to keep her company after visiting my father, who was somewhere else in this building, I walked out of her room with Alexander. The moment I closed the door, Alexander lifted me up and carried me towards the ICU where my father was. A few doctors and nurses stared at us as we walked by, but I buried my face into Alexander's chest so that I wouldn't have to deal with all the stares. Perhaps I should have asked for a wheelchair.

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