Chapter 31 : Contents

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Alexander was about to leave without me, so I locked him in a chokehold and held on like my life depended on it. I wrapped myself around him like a squid as he got up from the bed. He barely looked out of breath as he tried to get me off of him while trying to make his way towards the door.

"Angel." Alexander sighed as he reached the door with me on his back, my arms around his neck and legs around his torso.

My wounded leg was burning, but I ignored it while gritting my teeth. "I need to see it. I can help." I grunted as I started to slip.


I frowned in frustration as I grasped desperately at his broad shoulders trying to stay upright. "I can limp perfectly."

He remained silent as he tried to detach me from him. As he took one of my arms off of him, I wrapped it around him again while he was prying off my other arm. Since Alexander was holding back his strength in worry that he may hurt me, the cat and mouse game carried on for a few more seconds and I couldn't help it as a chuckle slipped past my lips when I placed my chin on his shoulder.

Alexander turned his head to look at me and sighed softly in defeat. He put looped his arms around my thighs and supported my full weight so that my own arms didn't have to, then proceeded to carry me out of the room.

There were a few nurses walking around and they all stopped to stare at us with their mouths slightly open, gawking at the sight. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up. My impulsive mind did not take into consideration the humiliation I would feel to be seen in the public like this.

"W-wait," I growled in embarrassment. "Let me down, Red."

He did eventually set me down, only for it to be on a wheelchair.

"Sit. Stay." Alexander warned with a straight face, looking directly into my eyes and holding each of my wrists against the armrests.

"Red, I am not a dog. In fact, I-" I wasn't able to finish as he quickly leaned forwards and planted a soft kiss on my lips, effectively shutting me up.

I remained sitting on the wheelchair, biting back my grumbles, as Alexander got up and pushed me to where we needed to go. We were going in the direction of our unit room when he suddenly made a left turn and pushed me into a different room. He got us into a room that was equipped with showers and sinks.

"Wait," he ordered as he left the room.

I got up from the chair using my good leg and arms, then proceeded to limp towards the closest sink.

Alexander got back in the room and locked the door behind him. In his arms, he held a towel, extra clothes, and two toothbrushes. He put all the things down on the wheelchair and handed me a toothbrush with some toothpaste squeezed onto it. I took what he offered gratefully, then started the process of brushing my teeth and washing my face. I used the towel to wipe off the excess water and handed it off to Alexander, who also finished brushing his teeth and washing his face. He quickly changed his clothes and helped me get into mine since my body was still stiff and sore from the bruises. What I changed into ended up being a maxi skirt that skimmed my ankles and a thin long sleeve shirt. Most of my body was covered up and I was grateful.

I finally felt somewhat normal with some casual clothing on.

"Who gave you this?" I asked him in confusion since I certainly did not own any clothing like this and he probably didn't have time to go shopping.

"Mom," he answered and I understood.

Alexander changed into a pair of navy slacks and a light blue v-neck t-shirt. The shirt was tight enough that I swore I could see the lines of his abs.

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