Chapter 34 : Rise

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After quick, but precise planning, we all headed out towards the airport. Me included.

I made another deal with Alexander and that if that I could participate one more time, I would voluntarily stay put under house arrest for three weeks. In my opinion, three weeks was a little too much and it would probably drive me crazy, but he wasn't budging. I had no choice but to agree and it ultimately felt like I was making a deal with the devil.

I also will be staying with Emmaline and keeping an eye on the surveillance cameras, staying far away from the action and this I agreed since in my condition, I would probably become a nuisance and get in the way.

We were keeping this as low profile as possible since we didn't want to spook Katrina and have her disappear on us.

Before we left, I had Cadence check the places that Katrina had been from when she escaped us by car until now since she could have already met Efren or dropped off the USB somewhere within the timeframe.

Emmaline and I, we quickly made our way towards the security room and since we informed them shortly beforehand that we were coming, they quickly stepped away from us to let us do our work. Screens upon screens were in front of us and from Cadence's description of what Katrina changed her appearance to, we started to search.

Alexander, Victor, Mrs. Blades and a few Phoenix agents were searching visually in the airport. Everyone altered their appearances as well to not draw attention to themselves and to not have Katrina recognize them too fast. We also had a few agents stationed near the exits of the airport in case she makes a run for it.

This was literally finding a grain of salt upon mountains of sand. Somewhat hopeless, but we had to try.

We were at least fifteen minutes in when one of the agents spoke up through the in-ear. "I think I see her. Around Gate 8."

I quickly scoured the screens for Gate 8 and when I found it, I saw someone that fit Katrina's description sitting on one of the chairs, casually looking at her phone.

"I have eyes on her, she's in Gate 8," I confirmed.

"I have visual." Mrs. Blades updated.

Katrina stopped looking at her phone and took a quick peek around, then went back on her phone.

"I think she knows." Emmaline narrowed her eyes at the screen, focusing on Katrina.

Katrina soon stood up and casually started moving until she was lost in the sea of people.

"I don't see her," I informed our team.

"I lost visual." The agent said and soon Mrs. Blades also informed us that she couldn't see Katrina anymore either.

"Wait, is that her?" Emmaline whispered so that the others didn't hear and pointed to one of the screens.

I narrowed my eyes at where she was pointing.

"Where is that?" I asked one people that worked security in the room.

"Right down our current hallway."

Katrina opened the door and entered and I didn't have time to think.

"Which way?" I double checked my handgun and patted around my body.

"When you walk out this room, turn left and keep walking. It's marked as our conference room." The security guard informed me as she stared curiously at me.

I was currently wearing a bulletproof vest with sweatpants and the long sleeve shirt I was wearing earlier.

"Does it have any exits?"

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