chapter 5

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21st of July, 1992

Students in white laboratory coats piled out of the laboratory discussing in loud tones as they compared notes, some chattered about random items refusing to even think about the experiment they just finished. Judging by the glum looks on their faces, Mika knew the experiment had definitely not gone their way. The lecturer in charge had probably shown them hell, she was well known for putting her students through the most difficult tests. Behind her they called her Dr. Torture in jest, Mika was sure that if she caught wind of it the whole class would be in trouble, she almost smiled at the thought as she tugged at the sleeves of her hoodie.

Some of them had began to take of their white coat while grumbling, others were racing to food canteens to fill their stomach. But her eyes were not on them, rather they were on the tall boy with the geeky glasses who leaned against a wall, flipping through a bulky textbook earnestly. A smile tugged at her lips and she hissed at the pain it brought.

Mika jogged briskly to his side and tapped him on the shoulder once and watched with amusement as he jumped in fright. That was Kingston, always lost in his head and the books he read. He was already ahead of class with his readings, he was perhaps the only student Dr. Torture liked, albeit grudgingly. When his eyes met hers, he did not look amused.

"Jesus, you scared me. Can you not announce your arrival like a normal human being?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

She let her lips tug slightly in a smile, it was all she could afford without the pain. "You mean shout your name like a normal person and draw everyone's attention to you, which you despise?" She teased, she liked the way he appeared to hate her when she knew how much he really liked her inside.

"I hate you." He said with such seriousness that she couldn't resist and leaned in to kiss him lightly. He didn't pull back like he normally would. Kingston was painfully shy.

"I know." She said as she pulled away.

"You missed the class, Mika, for the sixth time this semester. You told me you'd quit." He said, his forehead creasing in a frown. Kingston pushed back his glasses and hugged his book to his chest. If he smiled more, he might look less frightening.

She laughed hollowly. "You don't just quit ORION, you don't say not to them."

"I said no," He shrugged. She felt annoyance course through her, sometimes he was too naive. "You always have a choice, Mika --"

It was then he noticed her wounded face and he let out a hiss of pain like he was hurting.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed loudly, a couple standing near them shot him a concerned look. He clenched his fists in fury, letting his textbook fall to the ground with a thud. King pressed a hand to her face and she recoiled with a moan.

"This is the third time this month, I'm going to have a word with fucking Phillips, this has to end." He bent to pick his book and began to shuffle from her. Mika pulled him back with a pleading look.

"Stop, King. You can't go looking for trouble, not when He's already set his eyes on you." Mika whispered furiously. He still looked angry but he made no move to walk away, King wasn't stupid, he knew he'd never win against ORION, against Phillips. The last time he reported to the police about the cult, they had gotten away with it and Mika had paid for it, for months she had to hide the wound on her back. Kingston still didn't know about it.

"I can't keep letting them hurt you." He grumbled.

"Listen to me, Tolu," He knew she was serious when she called him by his first name. "It was my fault, I busted their drug deal again. I couldn't stand by and watch them ruin another life."

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