chapter 9

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The night was cold and so was he. Sanmi tapped his foot against the pavement, anxious to get the meeting over with also while simmering in anger at the disrespect he got from ORION, something had snapped in him, something wild and rebellious. Perhaps it had been long coming or perhaps he just needed the right eyes to tap him awake, he knew what he was messing with and that going against it would only spell doom for him, still he was past listening now.

A few minutes ago, he had completed the last drug deal of the night to a wide eyed stranger who had gazed at the package with reverence and with disgust, Sanmi realized that was how he probably looked at drugs, like it was a god. He hadn't noticed the stranger slipping something into his jean pockets until he was far gone.

Now he seethed at the contents of the letter, if you ever wish for something more than ORION, something better than revenge, contact us with this number and do not let anyone see this letter in your hands.

It was signed ARTEMIS. Sanmi had heard of Artemis in passing, something Joshua Phillips had whispered in fury and anything that made Phillips angry was worth looking into. Sanmi stared at the plain paper and memorized the numbers on it before taking out his lighter and setting the paper on fire, watching it burn like his life had.

His mind was made and for the first time, he felt a genuine smile tug at his lips, a smile that soon faded when Joshua Phillips arrived in tow with his merry band of bastards. Joshua wore a leather jacket with ORION's symbol on it etched on his breast pocket and biker jeans with boots, off campus he flaunted off ORION more, letting whoever cared to look that he was powerful because he led powerful people. He somehow didn't look put off by the brightly lit but dirty alley and walked like he owned the world.

Sanmi almost laughed at the look, suits definitely suited the bastard better.

Amina on the other hand looked intimidating wearing clothes or nothing, Sanmi remembered when he first joined ORION and thought he could bed her and use her to manipulate Joshua, she had taken one long look at him and laughed condescendingly and whispered in his ears that he was far from her type. She liked them new, fresh and preferably rich, she had sneered before flicking his nose in a seemingly playful gesture. Sanmi had hated her ever since. Every time they met, she would smile at him, like they shared a secret joke.

She usually wore an hijab but not tonight -- her long hair was packed in a ponytail -- not when she looked dressed to kill -- literarily. Dressed in an all leather outfit like Phillips, it seemed like they all dressed to match, including Firepemi and Nina.

As usual, the other girl avoided his stare and this time Sanmi did smirk, he knew her secret. Although it was no secret she and Phillips despised each other despite being in a relationship, but it was definitely surprising the she was fucking Firepemi behind her boyfriend's back. Sanmi held on to that secret, until it proved useful to him to spill it.

"I'm assuming it went well tonight, Sanmi?" Amina said, she always did the talking, and Joshua always did the taunting. He hated all of them and concealing it was hard enough, especially now that he knew something they did not know.

"As always," He forced himself to say, taking in deep breaths and trying not to imagine himself pummeling Phillips to the ground.

"I'm glad to hear it." Joshua nodded curtly, this evening he seemed to be bothered by something, Sanmi barely noticed how he was constantly sneaking a glance at his watch and was more focused on Nina's eyes constantly darting to her lover.

"I have a little concern though," Phillips continued. "And I'd hate for you to find out from outside ears, seeing that we're friends. Aren't we?"

Sanmi rolled his eyes, Joshua narrowed his eyes, most likely surprised by the sudden defiance, he reached into his breast pocket to pull out a small tube and Sanmi felt his chest swell with venom and hate, much to his chagrin, tears spring to his eyes.

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