Chapter 40

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The knife.

The blood.

Her silence.

I stabbed my mother. The person that gave me life; I took her's away. And I didn't feel guilty at all. Pay back is a bitch.

My adrenaline kicks in at that moment. I don't mind the red stains on my stable hands anymore. My only thought is to run. I pocket the knife back in my jacket before rubbing the remains of the blood on to my pants. I don't know how I'm going to get out of here, but I have to try. Luckily no one has come by to check on us yet.

"What's the hold up ladies?"

Spoke to soon.

Axel's eyes travel from mine; to my red hands. To my mother's pale, frail body on the floor. His eyes harden before his classic evil grin takes place.

"Tsk tsk Kat."

"Fuck off." A ball of fire forms in the palm of my hand. It seems my magic has fully returned; thanks mother. I take the ball of fire and throw it at Axel's face. He isn't quick enough to dodge the heat; the ball hitting him square in the face.

Run Kat, Run!

While Axel cries in pain over his scared burns, I use my magic to smash the window open. The shards fly everywhere; scraping against my flesh, letting the red blood leak out.

Not thinking twice, I jump out the window. Falling down the mansion of terrors and to the dirty ground. With much difficulty, I land on my two feet with a little tumble. The demons, that once surrounded the place, were gone; Not a monster in sight.

A problem to deal with later.

"KATARINA!" Axel's monstrous voice roars through the area. I take the hint and begin the run. No sense of the direction I'm going, yet I still run far away from the prison.

A forest of black trees stood before me. I couldn't turn back now, so I run head first into the danger of the unknown. I could barely hear the running steps coming from behind me over my heart bumping. The spiked branches of trees digs into my skin as I spirit past them. Sharp edges of rocks slice through my flesh. My body was almost completely covered by the color of red.

A spell comes to mind when I need it most. As I shout the spell into the air, the Black Forest starts to vanish beside me. Turning into the familiar forest I know and love. I teleport away from Axel's grip and into the snowy field where I was taken.

The adrenaline gone from my veins, I stop my running. The air out of my lungs and my heart bumping fast. That's when I feel the pain coursing through my whole body, but mostly my stomach.

"Almost there baby. Just hold on for mommy." I hold my stomach with one hand as I wobble my way across the field. I could see the castle guards on the out skirts of the frost plain.

"It's the Queen!" The guards see my weakened form and come running to my rescue. Soon enough, they were carrying me inside the comforts of the castle.

Not very comforting that I'm in terrible pain.

"Katarina..." Damien comes running into the room, replacing the guards arms with his. He holds my tired figure to his. Giving me warmth and love with his touch.

"Please don't ever do that again."

"I promise I won't. I had to save Aurora...How is she?"

"Fine. She's fine. Missing her mother." He finally pulls away, giving me the chance to get a good look at him. He had big bags under his eyes and some stubble on his jaw.

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