Chapter 16

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They scattered, glancing around at one another. "Might've spoken too soon!" Marvel said, narrowly dodging a hit from the blind warlord as he attempted to hit him before going after Diana. "Anyone got any ideas?!"

- - -

"Both eyeballs blown out and he's still standing?! Come on, man!" Lantern yelled as he punched a parademon out of the air. He ended up back to back with Victor as the pair worked to take out the creatures surrounding them. "What else can we do!? We're running out of options here!"

Cap sent a ball of lightning towards a group of the creatures, knocking them out of the air before turning and landing a punch on one that attempted to attack him from behind. "We can try to send him home?" he said, glancing down at the pair.

Cyborg and Hal shared a look. "Worth a shot," Vic said as he blasted a monster away.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Diana said, lifting a creature and hurling it towards another, making them crash into each other before she glanced at the boys.

"Darkseid is transferring data to those metal box things- they call them 'mother boxes'," Victor said, holding off a group of demons. "They're creating portals- boom tubes."

Captain Marvel snorted. "Pfft- boom tubes," he said, getting a look from Hal, Diana, and Cyborg before clearing his throat and focusing on the demon that decided his bright white cape looked like a tasty snack.

"I just have to speak their language," Cyborg continued, firing a blast towards another creature. Hal gave him a look as he lifted a parademon up and allowed Diana to slice it in two.

"Yea, I didn't get any of that."

Cyborg ignored him, a mother box sliding out from the cannon that served at his arm. He connected to it, Cap choosing to provide some kind of cover for the man as he punched away some of the demons that seemed to be suddenly drawn towards the box. "Gotta get some altitude-" Victor said, rocketing upwards and blasting monsters away.

Portals suddenly started to appear around them, sucking in the monstrous creatures. Captain Marvel grinned, managing a kick to the chest on one of them that sent it careening into a few more, all which got suck neatly up and into a portal. "Like a giant, interdimensional vacuum," he commented, getting a roll of the eyes from Hal.

The demigod's attention was suddenly taken up by the sight of Darkseid chasing after Flash, his eyes widening at the warlord using his arms to pull himself along. "Yea, okay, that's creepy, no no no no no," he said, sending a large wave of electrical energy towards the grey-skinned monster with a yell.

"Thanks, Cap--" Flash said as Marvel shot past him and towards Darkseid, attempting to land another magic-infused hit on him. The monster managed to sense him, punching him backward and right out of the air.

A massive portal opened up behind Darkseid, sucking in demons and debris alike. The tyrant struggled against it, keeping his feet on the ground as his minions were sucked in around him.

Cap sat up, shaking off the rubble and gritting his teeth. Lightning danced around his hands as he launched himself again towards the villain, this time trying to push him towards giant orange portal he was resisting. He landed a blow on the back of the neck, sending his electrical energy into his fists and pounding away on the guy. This only lasted for a moment, however, before Darkseid grabbed him and threw him down at his feet.

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