Ch.1: How it Begins

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{Book cover not mine, credit goes to original, very talented creator! I just did a few edits and nothing more. And if there are any mistakes tell me so I can correct them! Enjoy and have fun! 。^‿^。 }

Present time being

I was in "my room" as sally was drawing on the floor with smile dog besides her. The shackle on my ankle was itchy but I left it alone. I was sitting near sally as the chain didn't reach too far.

I was drawing a small tree on a hill and sally peaked over at my paper to look at my drawing.

"Whoa! You draw perdy!" She said astonished

I smiled and giggled a little.

"Thank you sally!" I said with whatever happiness I had left.

She smiled brightly at me and continued drawing. The itchy feeling came back stronger and I put down the crayon and scratched at my ankle, a bit frustrated even. Sally frowned at me as I had forced myself to stop scratching and do something else.

"Sorry they keep you chained up Y/N. They're just cautious." Sally apologized

I frowned at her as it wasn't her fault.

"Its okay sally, its just a little itchy! I don't mind really." I reassured her

She smiled a little and then got up.

"Why were you in the forest anyways? The signs always keep people out? How come you didn't?" She asked curious

I looked at her and frowned. I got up and sat on my bed.

"Come here, I'll tell ya the story on why I came in the forest!" I said playfully

She smiled brightly and came over to my bed. She climbed on and sat next to me, waiting with anticipation. I smiled and patted her head gently.

"Well to begin with, I was a pretty happy person before I came in the forest. I was just normal and lived on my own, had a nice house and a dog that is at my parents house right now. But things never stay the same and something happened..." I said then trailed off

"What happened!" She asked almost scared

I started to think about it, letting my mind wonder off to how all this first happened an continued the story to sally.....

Two weeks ago...

I was at home with my dog, Azi. A hyper and very cute baby german shepherd. Or teenager really, but he's still a puppy to me. Anyways Azi has been acting up the past few days and it worried me a bit. He would pull on my shirt toward the door or growl at me sometimes like if I wasn't okay.

Right now he was just laying on me as i was sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Wanda please wait! I have to tell you something!" Raul begged

I like romantic dramas, shush up.

"What do you have to say thats so important raul!" Wanda snapped at him

"Ooooo he's gonna confess! Go for it raul!!" I said with anticipation

"Wanda i love-"

"Breaking News! Local neighborhood in woolsburn county was burned to the ground. Police are investigating on how the fire started and-"


Azi whimpered covering his ears and I giggled.

"Oh calm down, you love it when im weird!" I teased

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