Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Selena Artemis' Point of View

What the hell is daaaatttt?! Why is he the one who said it!? It should be announce by the King himself! And not him!

The unexpected uproar was already in order when the King himself interrupted it and he turns it into a competition. A competition in dancing, singing or by playing instrument, he said that we can choose from the three and the loser would need to apologize even if he or she wasn't the person who should pledge guilty

And our talented heroine accepted it without thinking twice while I eyed my mother first before agreeing into the competition. The King only gave us a half an hour to decide what kind of performance we will do

And for me? I don't really need to think of it that much as I was really readying myself in the competition between me and the heroine though the scene was somewhat off than the original but then I pay it no mind and just take it easily while eating the desserts his highness gave me

"I don't see any trace of nervousness in you, you're that confident?"

"Not really, but if I think of it too much I will just gonna stress myself out!"

"Right haha as expected of you"

After a little silenced I spoke up again

"Hey, Ares"

"Hmm?" his highness answered not even bothering to look up to me while he busily eats up the sweets that I baked before coming here, It was a gift I gave him because he ask for it

"What do you mean by that?"

"That, you mean being my fiancée, right? It means what it means, Luna"

I didn't answer and just proceeded in eating

Yup! I just need to think is food and nothing else!


Ahh, How I love chocolates!


Half an hour has already pass without making a fuss and now the heroine was currently performing in the middle of the ballroom in the dance floor, she was dancing while singing and with how elegantly she is right now you won't even see a trace of herself that she shows half an hour before

All you can see was like a fairy dancing in the middle of nowhere as her magic also unleashes some of its might creating a more fantastical image of herself

The spectators gave her a round of applause when she finishes her dance the way dance, It wasn't different in the game, how disappointing, even the king and queen also compliment her and now it's my turn

When their eyes landed on me I let out a smile that conveys my confidence that makes the onlookers swoon. I walk more elegantly towards the classical instrument that was prepared before hand as I already ask his majesty that I would like to play some instrument but I never said what instrument I would play that makes them give me an interested look.

When I arrived at the two steps elevated plat form, I faced the audience before bowing slightly to give my courtesy before I sit in the fluffy cotton chair that was placed in-front of the grand piano

When I felt the keys on my finger tips I slowly closed my eyes before tapping the various keys before me

Third Person's Point of View

When Luna sits on the white cushion that was placed above a white wooden chair in-front of a white grand piano, the whole ballroom – no, it's like the whole kingdom has grew silent waiting for the girl to tap a single key to make a sound in this deafening silenced.

When Luna closes her eyes and her slender fingertips has finally touch the key, the onlookers has breathe a sigh like they weren't really breathing unless they were given permission to do so and the majestic sound of the piano was their cue to let them breath again. To think that they actually unconsciously forgotten to breath

Luna, her eyes are still closed as she elegantly plays the keys that was present before her when suddenly she smiles. A smile that once again, took their breathed away. It was so lovely and sweet that anyone can actually fall in-love with that smile. And as she smiles the other instrument that was also present on the elevated platform magically started to produce sounds. Sounds that are pleasing to the ears, sounds so sweet yet so bitter. As if a goddess has been playing the piano while her little angels was helping her with the other instrument.

She makes everyone fall in-love with her charms, young or old, girls and boys, all of them has once again captured by her beauty and grace, that makes the other goddess envy her but at the same time love her.

She was an existence that was both dangerous and safe, she was dangerously beautiful but also safely giving her warmth.

Can such a dangerous person really exist?

Questions that randomly pops in their mind.

When the music stops those who are eagerly listening opens their eyes and they saw the little girl still sitting in-front of the grand piano with her eyes still close

A moment of silence has descended once again when Luna opened her eyes with a smile, she looks like she really enjoyed her performance.

She then gave off a small courtesy before descending the platform and walks towards the location of her big brother and friends

Selena Artemis' Point of View

"How is it?" I ask shyly while scratching my reddish cheeks because of embarrassment. Oh gosh, I was confident on my skill but it is still embarrassing to be in-front of those many nobles with criticizing and calculating eyes waiting for my flaw to show, though like hell I will give them time to see it!

"You takes our breath away~"

"You set things in order"

"Cool you really looks like a goddess out there"

I don't know but I unconsciously look's at Ares then he smile before leaning on me then whispering his compliment on my ears giving me chills that makes my face flushed more

"It really takes away my breathe"

"Am I going to be arrested by that your highness?" I ask teasing him a little

He gave me an amused look before responding

"I'm actually thinking of how to punish you because of that." then he steps away a little letting me see his smirking face and for some reasons I felt my face burned and I think I saw some steams coming out of my face

He was only four years old for heaven's sake! What am I thinking?! Really?

Words Count 1111

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