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      My reflection looks duller than usual. It has every right to—it's my last day here. My last day with James. My last day with Adrian. Clenching my jaw and heaving a deep sigh, I lean closer to the mirror and fix my bangs with my fingers, just so they brush against my eyebrows neatly. There, now I look like I haven't been dreading this moment since I woke up.

      I turn around and smile wistfully as I walk over to the bed to meet James, still in his cosy pyjamas. The minute I end up next to him, he looks up at me and his wide grin spreads across his face, highlighting his inexplicable joy. I don't know how I'm going to live without this.

      Ignoring the tight squeeze on my heart, I bend down and haul him up. He yells dramatically as I do and I make airplane noises with my pursed lips, adding to his playfulness. 

      "Are you going to stay in these, huh?" I snap teasingly at him, pinching him softly.

      He wants to reply but he's too busy giggling and chuckling from my scattered pinches, which range from his shoulders to his belly. After a moment, he swats my hand away and I'm forced to stop, otherwise we'd be here all day. 

      Singing a little tune, I carry him over into Adrian's walk-in closet, where his clothes are kept. There's a little section in the left corner that's solely dedicated to James, decorated with a bright blue cupboard that sticks out like a sore thumb in this maroon, dim space. 

      "What are we going to wear today?" I sing tunefully and pull out a drawer. James smartly points a finger to a pair of dark blue leggings, neatly folded to the side. 

      I pick it up and he nods, satisfied with my choice. I pull out the next drawer, the one that houses his tops, and ponder over the options. Once again, I'm not given time to choose because James leans forward and grabs a red t-shirt that has a cute panda printed on the front. 

      "Quite the fashionista, aren't you?" I nuzzle my nose into his cheek. His fingers curl against my face as he laughs and brushes his hair against my forehead, messing up my bangs. Oh well.

      There's a velvet bench in the middle of the room, big enough to seat five obese people comfortably. I don't know whether it's for décor or whether Adrian actually needs a bench this big. Holding his outfit in one hand, I stand James up on the bench and help him out of his pants, only to replace it with the leggings. 

      Obviously, this is no easy feat because he keeps kicking his strong legs here and there, flailing his arms in the process. I don't want to imagine how he must have been in the womb.

      Getting him into his t-shirt is, thankfully, a whole lot easier. Holding him up by his hands, I admire his new fit and smile, poking out my tongue for his amusement. He grins and starts bouncing up and down enthusiastically, full of energy. 

      "Look at you,"

      Adrian stalks behind me and widens his eyes at James in exaggerated surprise, covering his slack mouth with his hand. Suddenly acknowledging his father's presence, James turns all stoic and shows off his clothes, shaking his hips and smiling.

      His reaction has me laughing loudly but I'm calmed down with a kiss on the cheek by none other than Adrian himself. Even his smile is sad but he refuses to address the elephant in the room. Me too.

      Wearing a towel around his waist, Adrian pads over to his row of shirts, all damp haired and smelling fresh. 

      "Which shirt, Elizabeth?" He asks and steps to the side so I can get a look of the multiple dark coloured long sleeved tops, all hung on hangers. 

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