Chapter 27: The Kidnapping of Sai Gupta

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"Why does this plan sound familiar?" Erin asked, following Valeria outside the CVS a block away from the school.

Grinning, Valeria placed the supplies in her book bag. "It's the same plan Han Solo used in the first Star Wars movie."

James snapped his fingers. "That's right. They pretended to be Stormtroopers escorting Chewbacca as a prisoner." Smiling, he added, "I'm surprised a girl like you thought of that."

Valeria rolled her eyes. A girl like me, huh? she thought. Even from a friend like him, the sarcastic remark came off as demeaning. Girls can come up with plans. Girls can lead, if given the chance. As tempted as she was to call him out on it, this wasn't the time.

"Shut up and listen," Valeria snapped. "You and Jon will pretend to be mercenaries I hired, okay? We will bind Erin and Roberta, and I will say the three of us are there to turn in two Celestial prisoners. Understood?"

"I still can't believe you're a real Rogue," James said, his voice ripe with excitement.

"And you're a real healer," Roberta said, her tone reflecting admiration. Staring at Erin with wide eyes she said, "This is unbelievable."

"I'm a Celestial," Erin corrected, "and unlike your dumb game, I can do more than simply heal."

"Don't call D&D dumb!" James snapped.

"Shut up! All of you!" Valeria scolded. "This isn't some game - this is for real. Instead of rescuing some princess, we're saving our friend who needs us. Okay?" Everyone cheered, but she wasn't finished yet. "Good. But listen - we're going somewhere dangerous. If anyone wants to back out, now's the time." An awkward silence hung over them until Jon broke it.

"Not a chance," he said, a goofy grin across his face. "Lead the way, hero."

Valeria paused, letting that word sink in for a moment. People like her weren't called heroes. No one like her was on the cover of a comic book or superhero movie. Heroes were supposed to be fearless, and as much as she hated to admit it - she was scared. Afraid of leading them into danger. Afraid that she wouldn't be strong or smart enough to keep her friends safe.

She was afraid, but that would not stop her.

Forcing a fake smile, she said, "Alright. But as the hero, you'll do everything I say, including ditching me. Got it?"

Everyone agreed.

"Okay, follow me!" she said, pedalling off on her bike. Erin and Jon struggled to keep up with her quick pace, while James cruised alongside with his dirt bike, Roberta desperately clinging to him.

The streets were crowded with people still on their way to work. Horns honked, construction workers drilled, and sirens could be heard in the distance. But Valeria tried to zone it all out. She focused on breathing in the crisp morning air, the sound of the breeze brushing against the leaves of a nearby tree embedded within the sidewalk. The journey was mostly uneventful, and she needed that. This was the calm before the storm, and she needed to gather her resolve before shit got real.

When they finally pulled up to the large gothic structure known as Coterel, Valeria was ready. As ready as she'd ever be anyway.

"This place looks like a church," Roberta said, hopping off the dirt bike.

Grinning, Valeria said, "things aren't always what they seem." It was ironic, regurgitating the same line Frank said to her two weeks ago. She hadn't believed him at the time, but that all changed when the old lady at the front desk threatened her with a knife. Turning to them, she said, "That reminds me. There's an old lady at the front desk here. Do not talk shit to her. You'll be sorry if you do."

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