Chapter 2: Masters of Stealth

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"You hungry, kiddo?"

Valeria looked over at Frank suspiciously as he opened the front passenger door of his car. They stood outside the detention center, his green sedan parked in the parking lot. She maintained her distance, studying him with suspicious glances. "Yeah. But I'm not getting in that car with you. Aren't you supposed to be some kind of  wizard? Can't you just teleport us out of here?"

Frank laughed. "I never said I was a wizard. There's roads where we're going, so hop in."

Valeria shook her head. She tried to act defiant, but deep down - she was still afraid. "I thought you're not supposed to get in cars with strangers?"

"You're mostly right. I would say it's not wise to get in a stranger's car unarmed. I can fix that." He reached for something on his belt and offered it.

When Valeria looked down, she realized he held a knife with the blade in his hand, and the handle extended toward her. She carefully grabbed the odd knife and pocketed it. She reached for the rear passenger door, but Frank stopped her.

"Nah-ah, kiddo. Always sit up front, where you can see the driver's hands."

Valeria nodded before sitting in the front passenger seat. Frank closed her door, walked around to the driver's seat, and sat down. She marveled at how he simply started the car without batting an eyelash. "Aren't you worried I'll stab you?"

He laughed. "Nope. Hungry for anything in particular?"

Valeria shook her head and said, "Whatever you suggest, Mr. Luis."

"Name's Frank. I know a decent diner up ahead, if that's okay with you?"

"Sure," Valeria replied with little interest. She anticipated Frank trying to engage her in conversation, but he never did. They sat in the car silently for the next ten minutes until they pulled up to a rundown diner.

She followed him inside, and watched him flash a charming  smile at the hostess."Table for two please."

The hostess winked at Frank before leading them to a nearby booth. As they both sat down, he looked up at the hostess with that same smooth smile.

"Pardon me...Dolores?" he asked. "I know this isn't your job, but could I trouble you for a cup of coffee while we wait for our waitress? I've been up all-night packing, so my daughter here could make it in time for college orientation."

The hostess swooned over him. "Sure thing, hon. I'll be right back."

Valeria crossed her arms after the hostess left. "You're pathetic."

"No, I'm charismatic."

"What does that mean?"

Frank leaned forward and planted both hands on the table. "It means I've got Game, Mojo, or whatever you kids call it. We used to just call it charm."

The hostess returned with a pot of coffee, mugs, and poured them both a cup.

As the hostess filled her cup, Valeria looked up at her with a frown. " think my dad is charming?"

The hostess looked taken aback. "Well, you could say that. He reminds me of a younger George Clooney back in the Ocean's Eleven days. Your mom is a lucky woman."

Valeria noticed Frank smiling at the hostess, but he didn't offer a reply. Watching the two of them for a moment, she suddenly had an idea. She brought both hands up to her face and attempted fake sobs. She knew this performance wouldn't win an academy award - but it would do the trick nonetheless.

"My goodness," the hostess said with a concerned tone. "What's wrong dear?"

Valeria wiped her eyes and looked up. "My mom died last year. She was really looking forward to this trip, and always said I'd be the first in the family to go to college."

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