Kathy Jones

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Kathy Jones wasn't your average 16 year old girl

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Kathy Jones wasn't your average 16 year old girl. She didn't dress the way they did, she didn't act the way they did and she didn't speak the way they did if she spoke at all. To describe her in one word, she was damaged.

"I said stop!"

She didn't talk to many people, seeing as kids didn't approach the girl with dark purple streaks in her raven hair. She didn't have friends. Instead, she spent her days listening to Fall Out Boy and avoiding eye contact.

It had been a Tuesday afternoon at Golden Oaks Academy. Kathy has been walking down the math hall when someone shoved her into the lockers.

"Please... stop..."

She scrambled to pick up her books and push a purple strand behind her ear. A few kids snickered, but other than that, no one cared. She lifted her black hood over her head to make sure of that.

When she stood up, she kept her head low and put her headphones on. A few seconds later, Kathy was at her locker. She grabbed her backpack and her phone.

"But you're so pretty, baby."

Before she closed the locker door, she saw herself in the small mirror tapped to the side. Kathy wasn't smiling. She quickly took the mirror down and slammed the locker shut.

She tried her best to ignore the insults that seemed to pierce through her skin as she made her way to her car. It wasn't long before her mother called her like she did every Tuesday at 3pm.

"Hey, honey!"


Kathy's voice was low and gloomy.

"How was your day?"

"It was great, mom. I made a lot of friends just like every other day."

"Good! I can't wait to see you this summer!"


"Okay, bye sweetie!"

When Kathy's mother hung up, Kathy sighed.


She put her music back on while she drove to the store to the store.


Walking into her dorm, Kathy flopped on her bed. There was no one else there with her, and it felt like there never would be. After putting the groceries away, she turned on her computer to watch Netflix.

"Hey, Kathy!"

There was someone at her door. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second and then went to open the door. Kathy immediately regretted it as Golden Oak's most annoying student started asking questions.

"Hi, I'm Marina! You've been around school for a while but no one knows anything about you! Why is that?"

"Well, I guess-"

"Wait! Lemme get my notepad!"

She grabbed the paper from her bag.

"I suppose it's beca-"

"Well, I might as well record an audio." Marina interrupted her a second time to pull out her phone.

"It's probably because-"

"Wait, maybe I-"

"Its because I'm a lesbian! I like girls, and people just suck! That's why no one knows me!" Kathy yelled. "Get your damn blog out of here!"

Marina's mouth hung open, absolutely speechless. Kathy rolled her eyes and slammed the door in her face. A few seconds later, she opened the door again, grabbed the phone from Marina's frozen hands, deleted the audio and then gave it back to her.

When she slammed the door yet again, she slid down to the floor. Kathy knew she probably just got herself 20 more punches tomorrow.

******the next day******

Kathy got out of her car and walked into the school. She made it to her locker without getting kicked, but almost made it inside her locker instead thanks to a certain footballer.

She was grabbing her things when a girl walked up to her. Her hair was a beautiful jet-black that fell below her shoulders. She wore black ripped jeans just like Kathy, and a peach colored t-shirt.

Her jean jacket fell over her hands, indicating that it was far to big for her. Kathy couldn't help but smile at her appearance. It didn't last long.

"Hi, I'm Audrey."

Kathy checked behind herself to make sure this so called 'Audrey' was actually talking to her.

"Hello..." She murmured.

"I-I'm new here... I was hoping I could make a friend on my first day. Someone to show me around a bit...?"


That made sense. Of course she was new. No girl in their right mind would walk up to a lesbian to start a conversation. That wasn't going to stop Kathy from finally making a friend.

"Did you want to... walk to class with me?"

The pic at the top is sort of how I want Kathy to look. I'm still looking for a picture for Aubrey. If you can draw anime, hit me up pls!!

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