Chapter 5. A Mother Never Forgets.

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~No one's P.O.V~

"HEY! YOU LEFT-YOU LEFT Y/N AND OUR DRAGONS BACK THERE!" Hiccup shouted to the mysterious rider from the grasp of another dragon, hoping they would listen, "NONE OF THE CAN SWIM!! T-THE DRAGONS CAN'T FLY ON THEIR OWN!! THEY'LL ALL DROWN!!" But the rider didn't even turn their head to him as he tried to pull his arms out of the dragon's claws.

Eventually, the wind blowing against Hiccup's cheeks got colder over time, making them turn slightly pink from the cold as pieces of ice were in the freezing water under him.

The brunette narrowed his eyes shortly before they opened fully with shock. Large blue spikes of ice covered a middle sized land also covered in ice.

The warrior flew in through an entrance on their Stormcutter, the dragon with Hiccup in its claws following right behind them through the dark entrance.

The dragon's growls awakened the other dragons in the dark area of their cave-like home, their heads flying up from their sleep to inspect the intruder on the ground.

Hiccup quickly got to his feet after being thrown on the ground by the dragon. Quickly discovering himself surrounded by dragons of different species.

"We have to head back for my dragon!" Hiccup shouted out into the dark cave, "A-And Y/n is in trouble! I have to get to her!" He shouted, holding his hands out in front of him, not knowing where to put them while being inspected by the hissing dragons that glared at him for waking them from their sleep.

Hiccup frowned a little, his hand quickly finding its way down to the hilt of his Inferno strapped to his outside of his tight, taking it in his hand with a click of the metal.

Once a dragon came too close for his liking, he pushed one of the buttons and it lighted up in flames.

Hiccup began swinging the sword around him a couple of times, slowly and carefully to not startle any of the dragons. He was relieved to see their pupils dilating, something he had grown used to pay attention to after many year with the companionship of Y/n.

The loud snarls coming from behind him, pulled him back from the dreamland of past adventures, he turned around, seeing several dragons nearing him in a taunting way.

He quickly retracted the flaming blade before getting down to his boot, pulling a new tube from it before replacing it with the old one in his hilt.

He flipped it around in his hand and drew a circle around him with the green Zippleback gas, clicking the lighter, he ignited the gas into flames while using his arms to cover his face from the flames.

When he looked back up, the dragons had backed up and stood still. All of them much calmer than before. Hiccup slowly walked towards one of the waiting dragons with an extended arm.

The dragon purred as he got closer to it, almost touching its snout when he heard shuffling, he turned to the moving figure in the shadow.

The Rider stepped forward and Hiccup recoiled. The figure watched Hiccup curiously, slowly circling him with their shield in front of them in case of an attack.

"Who are you?" The brunette asked the masked figure softly, watching them closely, "The Dragon Thief?" He asked, quickly glancing back at the dragons around him, feeling uneasy once he took his eyes of them, "Uh, Drago Bludvist?" Hiccup guessed for a third time, still not getting the slightest response from them.

"Do you even understand what I'm saying?" He asked louder and firmer, in the need for some answers. But instead of that, the masked figure swung their special-formed staff before hitting it on the ground, weird clicking noises coming from it.

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