Chapter 1

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Here's the official first chapter everyone!!! I hope you all enjoy~<3


   "And now we will have a few spoken words from our Salutatorian, Y/F/N!"

   It was finally time. You were graduating from Texas A&M college. You ranked second in your class, so you were opted to speak at your graduation. You had prepared this speech for a very long time, so you were quite ready to get stuff off your chest.

   You stand from your spot next to the Valedictorian and make your way across the stage. Standing in the spotlight, gazing down at all your peers, you feel even more confident than before. You knew all these people would support you. You were quite popular with your class because of your bubbly and bright personality, even if most of the time it was fake. You mostly just wanted to get on their good side.

   "H-Hello, everyone!" you say. There are light chuckles in the crowd. "I hope you all have had a good time," you let out nervously. There were a few more chuckles. 

   "I just wanted to say that I am so grateful to be graduating with such fine-ass people." 

   The whole senior class roars.

   "You go girl!" screams your best friend. 

   "You guys have made me feel so good about myself, even during my rough times. And I have a secret that I am now willing to share with y'all!"

   The entire crowd roars.

   "We'll support you no matter what, Y/N!"

   "No secret of yours is enough to make me stop being your friend!"

   "Tell us all ready! I'm ready for some gossip!"

   "Okay guys. . . here I go," you say. The crowd quiets down to hushed whispers.

   You take your graduation cap off, letting your hair out. You reach behind and pull up your robe. Your eyes close, and you let your ears and tail appear. The rounded ears on your head slowly grow straight up and your tail straight out. It flicks side to side before the formation is complete.

   You slowly open your eyes to see that the crowd is completely silent. Some had their mouths hanging to the floor while others looked at you in complete disgust.

   You give the crowd a worried smile. "Surprise?"

   "What the hell?!" said someone in the audience. That was all it took for the crowd to start booing.

   "You were a nasty hybrid all this time?!"

   "I can't believe I was friends with a bitch!"

   "EW! I shared my Chick-Fil-A with that animal! She might have rabies!"

   Your heart sinks to your chest. You look around the crowd trying to find your best friend. Once you find them, tears form in your eyes. The disgusted look in their face terrifies you. You would have never thought that your best friend from ever since you had fled your last town would look at you that way. They make eye contact with you and whisper two short words that make your whole world crash down:

   "Fuck you."

   A sob escapes your mouth and you turn around to look for the principal. He walks up to you with your diploma in hand. "Congratulations, Y/N. You graduated. Barely."

   The audience snickers.

  "I can now assure you that if you had ever came out with your secret earlier during your residence, or even before you graduated high school, you most definitely wouldn't be standing where you are now. Look at poor Nevaeh, our Historian, over there. If you would have never came she would the Salutatorian. How could you be so selfish to steal that wonderful opportunity from her?"

   "Yeah, you bitch! Hybrids don't deserve to be here!" yelled someone from the crowd.

   You turn to face Nevaeh, who had angry tears in her eyes. "You stole my spot away!" she screamed.

   "I never. . . I just wanted to. . ." you whimpered.

   You snatched the diploma out of the principals grasp and took off running down the stage.

   "Run! Run, you stupid bitch! I can't believe I was ever your best friend!" screamed your ex best friend. This was all it took for you to use your one special power that could help you escape any type of horrible situation: your speed.

   You run like your life depends on it. You run faster than you ever had before. You rush past moving cars and motorcycles. You were a blur; no one saw you zoom past.

   At last, you finally make it back to your little apartment. You sprint to your closet and rip out your suitcase. Texas is not your home anymore. You need to flee, and quickly. You rush around your room and grab all of your necessities, including your BT21 plushies, your posters, and your mini-me; a cheetah hybrid plushie that you had felted yourself. You grabbed your phone off the dresser you left it on and turn back to the door, ready to leave your former home, until you remember the photo album which was hidden under your bed, containing all that you had left of your family. You quickly grab it and rush out the door. You quickly hide your ears and tail and phone an Uber.

   "Where would you like to go, ma'am?" asked the Uber driver.

   "The airport, please."

   "Right away, ma'am."

   You open your backpack and take out your mini-me plushie and your Chimmy and Tata BT21 plushies. These items are the only things that could keep you sane when you were on the run. BTS themselves were the only inspiration that you had to love yourself. Without their music and just their existence entirely, you very well might not be there right now.

   An idea pops into your mind. You quickly pull out your phone and book your next flight, which is far, far away from your current location. Far far away from Texas and the entire United States.

   Good thing you took foreign languages for your minor.

   "Please step on it, sir. My flight will be boarding soon."

   "Oh? Where are you going?"

   "Well, sir, I think I'm going to be staying in Seoul, South Korea for awhile."

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