Chapter 34

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

There are many secret hybrid breeding facilities and rings where hybrids are forced to fight each other for people's gains.


   Today was going to be a bad day.

   Today marked the last day of the world tour; their final concert being back in Seoul. There was a heavy haze hanging in the atmosphere; this was Jimin's last time being an idol. Being apart of BTS.

   Being a "human".

   Yes, today you and Jimin would come out to the world as hybrids and soulmates. You both were completely terrified and had every right to be.

   From the moment you both woke up, neither of you spoke much, only speaking if absolutely needed. You both completely ignored the other members, especially Jungkook. The boy taunted you both to no end, almost causing Jimin to snap. But, you released calming pheromones to calm him down and dragged him out of the room.

   Currently, you were both in your animal forms cuddling, your bigger form wrapped around his smaller one. You could feel his sadness leaking off of him. You started to groom him lovingly. He closed his eyes in bliss and created a deep rumbling sound from within his throat, resembling a cat's purring. Jimin turned around and started to groom you fur, too. You purred lowly.

   Then, suddenly, the door to Jimin's room back at the Bangtan dorms burst open revealing all of the remaining members of BTS. Dread leaked into both of you as you realized that it was time to go.

   You and Jimin quickly kick out the other members and shift back into your human forms. After putting your garments back on, you both took one last look around the empty room (you both had already moved his stuff to your apartment) before closing the door for the very last time.


   Your final ride in the van with BTS, as expected, extremely silent and awkward. Jimin had a blank, emotionless expression on his face for the entire ride, but since you were able to feel his emotions, you know how he was actually feeling.

   In a last attempt to make him feel better, you reach your hand up and start petting is ears. He immediately closes his eyes and lays his head down in your lap, producing a deep rumbling sound in his throat. You smile at how effectively it was working.

   Unknown to you, all of Bangtan had turn to watch yours and Jimin's exchange. Even though some of them would never admit it out loud, they all found you and your soulmate extremely adorable.

   When Jimin's rumbling started to turn into soft moans, you knew it was time to stop. Jimin immediately started whining when the presence of your hand was gone, but you shut him up when you told him in Hyrish why you had quit.

   The van ride continued its journey for about ten more minutes before you all officially arrived at the venue. For the last time, you snuck away from the BTS van and walked into the venue with the employees. The last time you'd see Jimin get his makeup done professionally. The last time you'd be with 'Park Jimin from BTS' and with regular ol' 'Park Jimin.'

   A sudden wave of sadness rushes over you and you look up to see Jimin fighting back tears as his hair and makeup workers finish up the final touches on his appearance. You stand up from the chair you were sitting on and make your way over to him, plopping yourself into his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck. Jimin quietly cries into your neck while you stroke his hair lovingly, calming him down a bit.

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