Chapter 21

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Many types of hybrids have powers. If their animal counterpart is super fast; for example a cheetah, the hybrid will also be incredibly fast. However, the speed will be boosted and they will be able to run even faster than they would have been able to as a regular cheetah. Another example is chameleons being able to camouflage themselves and birds being able to fly.


Jungkook's POV

   Jungkook knew that there was something off about Y/F/N ever since she first met Jimin.

   He didn't think anything of it when he had first encountered her at that one special fan meet which had started it all, but he immediately noticed it when hers and Jimin's eyes met for the very first time. It was as if something had been. . . lifted off of her. Like a disguise.

   Like her identity.

   Ever since Jimin had met his soulmate, Jungkook started to notice little things that he never would have noticed before, like the fact that he doesn't really eat vegetables or the fact that sometimes when he gets angry, inhuman sounds are produced from his mouth.

   And he grows fangs.

   Was there something that the pair of soulmate weren't telling them? Were they keeping secrets? Jungkook hates secrets. He utterly despises them. What were they hiding?

   He had to find out.

   Jungkook started to silently observe the couple everywhere that they had gone with he and the rest of his band. He'd take note of what they did, what they ate, and even what they said.

   The first time Y/N had been officially introduced to Jungkook and his friends as Jimin's soulmate was at her work place: a tech store. He hadn't noticed anything too weird about the girl there, besides the fact that she likes Xbox more than Playstation.

   What a joke. {(A/N) But common though, Xbox=Life}

   However, he did notice that she spoke in another language.

   That day, when he was worshiping his new PS4, he heard Y/N say something to Jimin in an unknown language.

   And he seemed to understand.

   Jungkook was so confused when he saw their little interaction. He wasn't the only member of Bangtan that saw it either. Yoongi was right in front of them and heard them, too. However, right when Yoongi had questioned the soulmates, that Suho guy showed up. Jimin and Y/N seemed relieved when Suho showed up on the scene, which left Jungkook even more confused.

   Jungkook heard the girl speak in the same language again when she was trying to calm Jimin down after his fight with Namjoon. And Jimin did calm down. His anger dissipated completely. He was at ease with her words.

   Which made absolutely no sense because she wasn't speaking Korean, Japanese, or English, which Jimin barely knew any of anyway.

   Now, Jungkook did know that Y/N was a foreigner. Anyone with eyes could see that. Therefore, it could be her native country's language that she could've been speaking. Maybe it's a soulmate thing that helps each other understand one another better. It makes sense. Perhaps Y/N wasn't fluent in Korean and needed to talk to Jimin in her native language to get her point across. That was Jungkook's thought process when he was in the tech store.

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