Chapter 17

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It took me a few minutes to realise that I was holding my breath and I let it out at the last second. Jimin was dead. Watching him die in my arms was the worst thing that had ever happened to me. At least I didn't have to watch Namjoon getting burned alive because I passed out, but now Jimin has taken his last breath in my arms. 

I couldn't even cry anymore: the shock stopped the tears from escaping and kept them hostage in my head. Nobody else said a word either; the only thing I could hear was the gentle sobs from Jungkook. Jimin continued to stare at me lifelessly; his eyes looked as if it was slowly turning into glass and red circles were forming around them. My lips began to tremble as I placed two fingers on his eyelids and pushed them down. I couldn't believe he was gone; and all because of a psychotic game. I will kill Yoongi for this.

I pulled Jimin's body towards me in an attempt to hug him one last time and felt something dripping heavily onto my lap. I turned him over and noticed that the substance was blood. For the first time since Jimin died, I heard a voice which was coming from Jin. "He must have gotten shot in the back" He leaned over and touched the wound, causing me to flinch as if I felt it for Jimin.

"How do you even know where the wound is? It's not even like you can see through his shirt" mumbled Jungkook. He was kneeling next to Jimin and kept his head down to hide his sobs. However, he wasn't doing a very good job. 

Jin scowled and rolled his eyes. "It doesn't take a genius to see that his blood is pouring out from his back" He touched the wound again and sighed. He stood up and looked at Jungkook and I back and forth. "Come on guys, we need to keep going... we don't have much time left"

Neither me nor Jungkook moved or said a word. I was supposed to protect everyone as the leader and instead, I let Jimin die in my arms. I should be dead, not him. Not my best friend. The barriers stopping my tears from falling down gave way and I cried once again. I buried my face in Jimin's bloody chest and gripped his waist tightly, not wanting to let go. I didn't care if we ran out of time and died anymore; I won't be able to live without Jimin or Namjoon anyways. I sniffled as I remembered what Jimin said: "take care of your mum Y/N".

He wanted me to be there for my mum. She won't be able to handle losing both me and my father and she has no one else left to look after her. I huffed as I realised that I should at least obey his last request. I need to get out of here - I need to do it for my mum but mainly for Jimin. I felt a hand stroke my shoulder softly and a voice whispered in my ear: "Everything's gonna be alright Y/N. We have each other"

I raised my head slowly and looked at Jungkook, who was kneeling beside me and had grief plastered all over his face. I let go of Jimin gently, threw my arms around Jungkook's neck and squeezed him into a hug. He was taken by surprise but eventually wrapped his arms around me and buried his head into my neck. Jungkook and Jimin had only just made up and that funny, but satisfying moment was taken away from him so soon. Jungkook was right; we are in this together and Jimin and Namjoon would want us to get out of here. At least they will be reunited in heaven. "Y/N, you are bleeding"

The mention of my wound, caused all the forgotten pain to return back and I bit my tongue to stop myself from crying out. The bullet must have gone straight through Jimin and grazed my arm. "I will be okay Jungkook" I whispered back. 

I broke the hug and glanced at Jungkook: his eyes were puffy and red and he looked away from me in embarrassment. I sighed and took his chin softly to turn his head towards me again. "Jungkook, it's okay to be upset right now. You don't have to hide from us because we feel exactly the same" I moved my hand to caress his cheek gently and he placed his hand on top of mine. I leaned my head towards his and kissed him on the forehead. After a few seconds I pulled away and he giggled tenderly like a little child, causing me to smile too. 

"Guys..." I had completely forgotten about Jin. I stood up and made my way to him and pulled him into a hug too. He reluctantly semi-wrapped his arms around my waist, as if he had never been hugged before. I smirked and pulled away.

"What? Have you never been hugged before? Are you claustrophobic or something? Because I know I definitely am but you are worse than me" I teased, causing him to scowl and roll his eyes. "Come on guys, everybody who died today would want us to get out of here too. So that's what we have to do. We need to beat the game for them and show Yoongi that we are not a joke." 

Jungkook stood up and cleared his throat. "She is right; we have to go. How much time do we have left?" Jin looked at his watch and his hands trembled slightly. 

"Just under three hours left..." he almost cried in worry and shock and he ran over and into the next room. There is no way we could have been sitting here mourning for over an hour. Nevertheless, we had to keep moving. I walked over to the door in a confident manner, but stopped and looked behind me at Jimin, who was still very much dead. 

"Hey Y/N, stop thinking about it" I jumped as Jungkook appeared right by my side without me noticing. "We will come back for him, I promise" He leaned over to me and kissed me tenderly on the cheek, causing my face to go red. "What? Have you never been kissed before?" He laughed and I punched him playfully on the arm. He disappeared into the next room and I couldn't help but smile after him. Butterflies entered my stomach again and fluttered around my body, bringing the sensational and romantic feelings back again. I shrugged it off roughly; I couldn't be thinking about romance right now. I glanced at Jimin one more time and took off after Jungkook. I will come back for you Jimin, I promise.

The next room was the same as the other ones but there was one thing different: there was a large glass box, big enough to fit 15 people in, in the middle of the room. What the hell was that for? Seeing the box made me think of Namjoon and what he had to go through and I hoped I would never have to see that again. "Where is the card?" I said and shortly afterwards, Jungkook came out of a corner, holding it in his hands. His whole body shook violently and he had to lean against a wall to support himself. 

Jin and I rushed over to him and took hold of his arm. "Jungkook is it you?" But he didn't reply. I grabbed the card out of his hands and almost passed out when I saw what was written on it. The message was very clear and was written in bold, messy handwriting at the top of the small card.

Y/N, Truth or Dare

Truth or Dare (BTS horror fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora